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Stark Sentinels

Sentinels Mark IV

F) Ex20
A) Ex20
S) Am50
E) Mn75
R) Ty6
I) Ty6
P) Pr4

Health: 165 Karma: N/A
Resources: N/A Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Robotic Construct: In preparation for his hostile takeover of Stark Unlimited, anti-mutant industrialist Feilong embedded himself in the company and secretly funneled its resources in the construction of Sentinels based on the technology of the Iron Man Armor, taking advantage of Tony Stark's recent divestment from the company. They stand 20 feet tall. Their very bodies give them the following power stunts:
-Body Armor: Un protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Immune to Disease, Gas and Psionic attacks
-Self-Sustenance: Doesn’t need to eat, sleep or breathe, can survive in the vacuum of space
-Growth (Permanent): In, +2cs to be hit
-Flight: Am airspeed
-Mutant Detection: Able to scan all living beings within 7 areas and determine if they are human or mutant.
-Learning Program: +1cs against an opponent after 3 rounds of analysis. This data can be stored for future use against the same opponent, and any Sentinel of the same series can access the information. At the discretion of the government or Sebastian Shaw, the data may be analyzed to provide a Sentinel with special weaponry against a particular mutant. It will take one week after collection of data to make the modifications.
-Searchlight: Their eyes can illuminate a 2-area volume up to 5 areas away
Weapons Systems: The Mark V Sentinels are armed with the following weapons array:
-Mega-Repulsors: Un Force, 20 areas
-Uni-Beam: Mounted in the center of the chest plate, the beam has a range of 50 areas and can produce the following effects:
--Searchlight of Ultraviolet, Visible Light or Infrared: Am intensity
--Heat Ray: Am intensity
--Laser: Am Energy
-Gas Jets: Emit gas from the hands (usually knockout) of Rm potency, fired up to 2 areas away.
-Harpoon Cables: Rm material fired from pointer finger, 2 area range. It deals In Edge


Talents: None

Contacts: Orchis