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Dr. Tania Belinskya

F) Rm30
A) Rm30
S) In40
E) Am50
R) Rm30
I) Ex20
P) Gd10

Health: 150 Karma: 60
Resources: Pr Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Nuclear Form: After being exposed to radiation, Belinsky's form may have become entirely radioactive energy. As Starlight, Tania is immune to radiation and can actually absorb it to increase her power levels. While her abilities have yet to be fully revealed, she is capable of the following:
-Flight: In airspeed in Earth’s atmosphere. She can travel at "warp speed" through space at CL3000 speeds
-Energy Blasts: Am Energy, up to 5 areas away
-Energy Aura: Tania is constantly surrounded by an energy aura that provides her with In protection vs. Physical. Physical items of less than In material will melt in contact with her unless she wills it otherwise.
-Radiation Absorption: Tania may absorb Un levels of radiation.
-Immune to Radiation: CL1000
-Self-Sustenance: She does not need food, water, air or sleep to survive

Starlight Costume: Un material, Belinsky’s costume may act as body armor to contain her true energy form. It provides her with the following:
-Containment: Without her armor, she gives off Rm levels of radiation within a 2-area range.
-Body Armor: Rm protection vs. Physical

Talents: Thrown Weapons, Martial Arts A, E, Acrobatics, Tumbling, Medicine: (Neurosurgury), Bi-Lingual: (English, Russian)

Contacts: Presence