Star Thief
Ditmil Pirvat
F) Gd10
A) Ex20
S) Am50
E) Am50
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Gd10
Health: 130 Karma: 30
Resources: Fe Pop: 0
Known Powers:
Body Armor: Pirval’s body is either partially composed of or constantly emitting cosmic energy. His charred, desiccated, rotting flesh is suspended inside a roiling fireball of cosmic energy.
-Invulnerable to Energy, Heat and Radiation: Energy damage above Un will damage the suit, and he cannot survive for long without it.
-Energy Projection: Mn Energy, 5 areas
-Self-Sustenance: Pirvat no longer requires food, water or air. He can survive indefinitely in space and is immune to all disease, toxins or infections.
Flight: Sh-Y airspeed (500 areas/round/ 7,500 mph).
Containment Suit: requires his containment suit to survive and to avoid harming those around him. Without his suit he either becomes a disembodied energy being or possibly dissipates entirely. His suit provides him with the following:
-Body Armor: In protection vs. Physical, Un protection vs. Energy
-Energy Vent: He must periodically vent his excess energy, through holes in the forearms of his suit. Anyone touching those vents at the time will take In Heat damage.
-Environmental Independence: Pirval needs his containment suit to survive,
-Without the suit Pirval loses 1 Health point every 10 days, which he cannot heal normally.
-If the suit is breached by an attack, he loses an amount of Health equal to the damage taken every 10 days until the suit is repaired. Example: If he’s struck by an Am damage punch, his armor blocks 40 points and he subtracts 10 from his Health and he loses another 10 points every 10 days.
-Navigational Wings: His suit is equipped with navigational wings and if they are damage (25+ points of damage to his back) he must make an Agility FEAT each round to stay aloft and is penalized one color result for this and any other Agility roll.
Star Thief's armor is less effective against microwave energy and while it provides Un protection from any initial attack, his protection drops -1cs per attack after that.
Talents: None
Contacts: New Warriors, Inhumans, Nova