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Sunpyre II

Sunpyre II


F) Ex20
A) Gd10
S) Ty6
E) Am50
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Gd10

Health: 86 Karma: 30
Resources: Rm Pop: 5 (25 in Japan)

Known Powers:
Plasma Generation: Un, Lumina was an extra-dimensional being from the Microverse world of Coronar who is able to generate plasma energy. She is able to perform the following power stunts
-Solar Flare: Un ability to absorb solar and other radiation to generate the process of ionized matter (usually air) through a mentally-triggered unknown biochemical process so that it is converted to plasma, the superheated state of matter. She can inflict up to Mn damage at line-of-site range. She can inflict Un damage, but she must make an Endurance FEAT roll to remain conscious after doing so.
-Flight: Ex airspeed
-Plasma Blasts: Generate a bolt of plasma which inflicts either Un Force or Mn Heat or Radiation
-Plasma Emanation: Sh-Z damage to all in the same area as Sunpyre, Sh-X damage up to 5 areas away. Her flames are reduced to Fe for 1-10 rounds afterwards and she must make an Endurance FEAT or pass out for 1-10 rounds. Lumina has much more control over the area of effect, enough to where one person may feel like they have been sunbathing all day to total incineration of another target.
-Heat Signature Sense: Mn ability to sense beings by the heat signature that they give off.
-Plasma Shield: Create a flaming sheath around herself which provides Am protection vs. Energy and Gd protection vs. Physical
-Solar Shielding Psi-Field: Using her plasma generation, Sunpyre can generate Rm protection vs. Mental attacks, Dominations and Probes


Talents: Martial Arts A, B, Oriental Weapons, Bi-Lingual: (Japanese, English)

Contacts: Big Hero 6