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The Swordsman

The Swordsman

F) Rm30
A) Ex20
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Ty6
I) Ty6
P) Ty6

Health: 80 Karma: 18
Resources: Ex Pop: 30

Known Powers:
Cotati Physiology: Being a member of the alien race known as the Cotati, Swordsman demonstrated the following powers:
-Possession: the Cotati was able to possess the corpse of Swordsman with Rm ability. In so doing, it assumed the memories and personality of the original Swordsman, essentially giving him new life.
-Telepathy: Gd ability to communicate through telepathy

Mwakluan Sowrd: Mn material, Ex Edge or Blunt, has the following power stunts:
-Disintegrator: Rm to non-living matter, 2 areas, usable once every 20 minutes
-Electricity: Rm, 2 areas
-Flame Blast: Rm intensity, 2 areas
-Kinetic Bolt: Rm, 2 areas
-Stun Gas: Rm intensity, 2 areas
Organic Teleport Gateway: In ability to teleport through the use of a gateway

Talents: Swordsmanship, Acrobatics, Martial Arts B

Contacts: The Cotati