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F) Un100/Gd10
A) Un100/Gd10
S) CL1000/Am50
E) CL3000/CL1000
R) Mn75
I) Mn75
P) Un100

Health: 4,200 Karma: 250
Resources:CL3000 Pop: -500

Known Powers:
Body Armor: Terminus' robotic body is 150 foot tall and made of a resilient, Un material, an average of 12 foot in thickness. This armor provides Sh-Y protection vs. Physical and Energy, CL1000 protection vs. Radiation, Heat and Cold, allowing him to travel through space and make planetfall without harm.
-Flight: Terminus' robotic body can travel through space at CL1000 speeds, but it is not known if it may travel through hyperspace.
-Alter Ego: The above statistics and the powers listed for Terminus in his giant robot armor. The right side shows if he is deprived of this armor

Energy Lance: Terminus carries a 240 foot lance that fires bolts of CL3000 Energy with interstellar range (he inscribed his "claim" to Earth from another solar system, accurately writing across the United States with a beam a half-mile across). Terminus uses this lance to ignite a storm of atomic energy that surrounds his robotic form; the storm extends up to 10 miles from his body. This atomic storm is of CL1000 strength and reduces the molecules in his immediate vicinity to their component atoms, creating an area of Mn intensity radiation and Un Heat in the process. Terminus may summon his energy lance from any distance, as long as it may reach him physically.

Talents: Business/Finance

Contacts: None