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Terrax the Truly Enlightened

Terrax the Truly Enlightened

Tyrros of Lanlak

F) Un100
A) Am50
S) Un100
E) Mn75
R) Gd10
I) Mn75
P) Am50

Health: 325 Karma: 135
Resources: N/A Pop: -20

Known Powers:
Earth Animation: Un, Terrax is capable of the following power stunts:
-Create Un tremors
-Use earth as missiles with Un damage and range
-Mold rocks
-Levitate with Un ability any land mass measuring up to 100 cubic miles
Power Cosmic: Terrax wields the Power Cosmic. It gives him the following power stunts:
-True Invulnerabilty: Un protection vs. Physical and Energy, CL1000 protection vs. Heat and Cold
-Gateways: CL5000
-Life Detection: CL1000
-Telepathic Immunity: Un

Cosmic Axe: CL1000 material strength, Un damage
-Force Field: Mn
-Disintegration: Un

Talents: Military, Astro-Navigation

Contacts: Galaktus