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The Badoon

The Badoon are reptilian-like alien species. In their society, they have a notable gender schism, resulting in two separate groups; the Brotherhood of Badoon (ruled by a 'Brother Royal') and the Sisterhood of Badoon (ruled by a Queen). The Brotherhood live on the planet Moord, while the Sisterhood live on the Badoon homeworld of Lotiara, roughly 42.2 light years from Earth.

There has been a long hatred between the two genders of the Badoon, and they once fought each other in long wars. As time passed, the males won, placing the females in captivity. Eventually the males developed technology and abandoned Lotiara, and only returned to mate. The males became conquerors of worlds, while the females became pacifists, content to remain in peace on their homeworld and ignorant of the males' star-spanning empire. The Badoon are also much older than the Kree and the Skrulls, as well.

Known Members:
Brother Royal
Typical Badoon