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Agent Venom

Agent Venom

Eugene "Flash" Thompson

F) In40/Ex20
A) In40/Pr4
S) Am50/Ex20
E) Am50/Ex20
R) Gd10
I) Ty6
P) Gd10

Health: 180/64 Karma: 26
Resources: Ty Pop: 0

Known Powers:
All of Venom's powers are derived from his Alien Symbiote.

Symbiote: Flash and the symbiote must be attacked separately. When you try to attack them, you're -6cs to attack. It has Rm resistance against attacks and has 30 health. The Symbiote can regenerate 6 points of health a round. When the symbiote fall to 0 Health, it is knocked unconscious for 1-10 rounds. The Symbiote provides Flash with the following abilities:
-Alter Ego: While in possession of the Symbiote, Flash's stats change as shown above.
-Webbing: Am, it can stick to In strength material. When it is disconnected for the symbiote, it dissolves in 5-50 minutes. It can be used to entangle or transportation(3 areas/round)
-Wall-Crawling: Am
-Spider-Sense Immunity: Spider-Man is -2cs for dodging and evading against Venom
-Skin Armor: Ty protection vs. Blunt
-Camouflage: +2cs for Blindsiding
Machine Gun: Ty Shooting in a single shot, Gd Shooting in a small burst of ammo, and Ex Shooting in a full auto spread of lead.
Combat Knife: Rm material, Rm Edge
Grenades: In damage to an entire area

Weak against Sonics: The Symbiote is -3CS vs. Sonics attacks
Weak against Fire: The Symbiote is -1CS vs. Fire attacks
Paraplegic: Flash's legs have been removed and needs a wheelchair to get around. Without the Venom Symbiote, Flash cannot walk.

Talents: Martial Arts B, Military Training

Contacts: Betty Brant, Peter Parker, Thunderbolts, Guardians of the Galaxy

Venom when enraged

Agent of Cosmos

Agent Venom as a Thunderbolt