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F) Ex20
A) Ex20
S) Pr4
E) Gd10
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Rm30

Health: 54 Karma: 50
Resources: Gd Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Invisibility: In ability to turn herself, but not her clothes or weapons invisible. She can remain invisible for a maximum of 40 consecutive rounds, after that she must rest her power and remain visible for 3 minutes for ever 4 rounds she was invisible. Verre must strip off her clothing to become completely invisible
Mental Invisibility: While invisible, Verre's thoughts become "transparent" providing Un protection vs. telepathic detection.

Whip: Gd Edge and opponents are -1cs to avoid being Stunned (but not Slammed) and -1cs to Evade, Block or -2cs to parry with a melee weapon.
Virtual Cortex: Thug has a cybernetic "virtual cortex" installed in his mind. Lobe is able to download battle data on his opponents, notably the X-Men, to provide a temporary +2cs to Fighting and Agility against them (no Health change). If an opponent is present Lobe is unfamiliar with or hasn't had the chance to observe and study, they gain no bonus against him. If Lobe's base computer is shut off or destroyed, the team lose these advantages.
Xperience: Verre invented the Xperience drug which allows her to temporary grant the user the powers of mutants that he has a genetic sample for. There are two versions of the Xperience, which are delivered in vapor form through inhalers. The general market product which is cheaper and anyone can use. This version grants the powers of the original mutant at -1cs and lasts only 1-10 x 2 minutes per dose. The more expensive deluxe variant is custom engineered to fit the genetics of the user. The deluxe version grants the power of the original mutant, at the original rank to a maximum of Mn for most powers or Sh-X for Travel/Movement or Sense/Detection powers, and lasts several hours. Both versions can cause dependence.

Talents: Bi-Lingual: (English, French), Weapon Specialist: (Whip)

Contacts: Sublime Corporation