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Zora Vukovic

F) In40
A) Rm30
S) Mn75
E) Un100
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) Rm30

Health: 245 Karma: 60
Resources: Ex Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Power Cosmic: Doom bestowed upon Zora cosmic powers, transforming her into Victorious, the national champion of Latveria. It gives her the following abilities:
-Body Resistance: Un protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Invulnerability to Fire, Heat, Cold, Radiation, Toxins and Disease: Un
-Immune to Toxins and Diseases: Un
-Ability Boost: Victorious can augment the strength of her cosmic energy powered body to a degree that rivals the Hulk’s formidable rage-enhanced strength. Victorious can increase her Agility and Strength to Power rank for 1-10 hours a day. By focusing on one ability, she can raise it to Sh-Z for 1-10 rounds. Raising physical abilities in this way also increases her Health score accordingly. Victorious can also raise her Body Armor to Sh-Y for 1-10 hours a day or a maximum of Sh-Z for 1-10 rounds a day in this manner.
-Plasma Generation: Victorious can project extremely powerful cosmic energy blast of Un Force or Energy. By channeling cosmic energy to his limit, she can boost this ability to Sh-Z for 1-10 rounds once per day.
-Self-Regeneration: Un
-Heal Others with Un ability. She cannot restore lost Endurance Ranks.
-Energy Detection: Detect energy and type anywhere on a planet, with Un ability.
-True Flight: CL3000 speeds in space, Sh-Z max in atmospheres
-Elemental Conversion, Molecular Conversion, and Mechanical Creation: Victorious can manipulate matter and can rearrange the molecules of matter to create other configurations with Un ability. She cannot, however, create life or living matter from nothing.

Staff: Un material, Up to Un Edge or Blunt

Talents: Bi-Lingual: (Latverian, English), Marksmanship, Survival, Martial Arts A, B, Leadership

Contacts: Dr. Doom