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Doug Ramsey

F) Gd10
A) Ex20
S) Rm30
E) Am50
R) In40
I) Ty6
P) Ty6

Health: 110 Karma: 52
Resources: Gd Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Techno-Organic Body: A possible cross between Warlock and Douglas Ramsey, Douglock has a techno-organic body whch gives him the following abilities:
-Shapechanging: Other forms of shapechanging have yet to be revealed. He has performed the following:
--Mimick Human Forms: Am
--Elongation: Rm
-Body Armor: Rm protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Conversion: Regain health by converting living, organic objects into a techno-organic form. He regains health equal to the material strenght or the health of the target. He does this with Mn ability.
-Sensors: Electronic sensors of Am ability.


Talents: None

Contacts: Sahdowcat