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White Tiger

White Tiger

F) Rm30
A) Am50
S) Gd10
E) Rm30
R) Ty6
I) Rm30
P) Ex20

Health: 120 Karma: 56
Resources: Gd Pop:5

Known Powers:
Claws: In material, Ex Edge
Battle Rage: Am, She can usually hold her humanoid shape, but in stressful situations (expecially combat), she must make a Psyche FEAT. If it fails, she reverts to her true form... that of a mystical tiger. If she gets a green or yellow result then she retains a generally humanoid shape but with feline features, growing hair, etc. On a red result she suffers no penalty to her appearance. She can voluntarily fail this feat. The Judge may also adjust CS as the situation warrants. Once in her true tiger form she must make a Psyche FEAT to return to humanoid form.
Alter Ego:
F) Rm30 A) Gd10 S) Ex20 E) Rm30 R) Pr4 I) Rm30 P) Ty6
Health: 90 Karma: 40 In this form she has the following capabilities:
-Fangs: In Edge
-Claws: In Edge
-Heightened Senses: She can follow scent with Am ability. She has Rm hearing and can hear footsteps up to 3 areas away, No penalties in normal darkness.

Talents: Acrobatics, Martial Arts A, B, C, D, E, Stealth, Tracking

Contacts: Oracle, Heroes for Hire, High Evolutionary, Knights of Wundergore