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Logan (James Howlett)

F) In40
A) Rm30
S) Gd10
E) Rm30
R) Gd10
I) Mn75
P) In40

Health: 110 Karma: 125
Resources: Ex Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Adamantium Skeleton: Wolverine's skeleton has been laced with Adamantium, giving them CL1000 material. This provides the following benefits:
-Ex protection vs. Blunt and Force
-Ty protection vs. Edge and Energy
-Fists are capable of doing Ex damage
Claws: CL1000 material, Wolverine can extend his retractable claws, causing up to Mn Edge
Animal Empathy: Am ability with mammalian carnivores
Heightened Senses: Mn Smell, In Hearing
Tracking: Am
Regeneration: Am. Regains 10 Health/hour or 1 point every six minutes
Resistance to Poison, Gases, Drugs and Disease: Un
Recovery: Un
Berserker Rage: Though less in evidence these days than in the past, Wolverine still flies into a rage, losing Karma and "going berserk." Wolverine must make a Yellow Psyche FEAT must be made to come out of it. While it may be bad, he gains the following power stunts:
-Mental Resistance: Un resistance to mind control and other mental attacks.
-All Stun results are ignored
-All attacks are +1cs to hit
-Heated Claws: Tied to his rage, Wolverine's claws will heat up, dealing Heat damage as well with Edge when activated.

X-Men Uniform: Rm material, the Uniforms are constructed out of unstable molecule fabric. It provides him with the following:
-Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Insulated: Gd protection vs. Heat and Cold
-Comlink: 250 mile range and a GPS tracking device built into it
-Detection Scrambler: Am protection vs. Electronic Mutant Detection
Muramasa Blade: CL1000 material, The Muramasa Blade was forged by Muramasa for Wolverine. It is capable of the following:
-Edged Attack: Up to Mn Edge, it ignores body armor and is able to cut through Adamantium
-Healing Factor Nullification: If someone with regenerative abilities cut by the Muramasa Blade, the abilities will not work until a few days later

Talents: Guns, Thrown Weapons, Edged Weapons, Oriental Weapons Master, Weapon Specialist: (Claws), All Martial Arts, Wrestling, Acrobatics, Tumbling, Military, Detective/Espionage, Criminology, Resist Domination, Escape Artist, Motorcycle, Streetwise, Survival, Multi-Lingual: (English, Japanese, Russian)

Contacts: X-Men, Cyclops

Wolverine's Civilian Look

Wolverine wielding Muramasa Blade

Wolverine's Soteira Uniform