Zoe Culloden
F) Rm30
A) Ex20
S) Ty6
E) Ex20
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) Rm30
Health: 76 Karma: 70
Resources: Ex Pop: 0
Known Powers:
Wrist-Device: Culloden wears a device that provides her with the following:
-Teleportation: In
-Scanner: In
-Communications: Rm
-Mind Wipe: Rm ability to erase a target's short-term memories
Cloaking Device: Am ability to cloak herself
Psi-Suppressor: Am ability to be undetectable by most perceptions
Bolos: In grappling
Forehead Gem: As Overboss, Zoe wore a forehead gem which gave her the following abilities:
-Mental Control: Am mental and physical control of subordinates
-Energy Blasts: In Energy or Force, 7 areas
Talents: Military Strategist, Martial Arts A, B, C, E, Performer: (Actress), Multi-Lingual: (Able to duplicate several accent/dialects)
Contacts: Landau, Luckman & Lake Industries