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False Face

The Character

False Face is a master of disguise. Somehow he can change his appearance by molding his face with his hands. This allows him to easily change his appearance without the need for any sort of mask or accessories. False Face is hired by the KOBRA to obtain a deadly virus. But timely intervention by Batman aided by the Stalker saves the day. False Face dies after exposure to the virus.

Parallels and Thoughts

False Face can change his appearance sort of like Matt Hagen/Clay face did in BTAS, but how did he get that way? He doesn't even change that many times...although he did look pretty freaky after Batman gave him one in the face. Of Course you are also reminded of another False Face, the one that was Batman's adversary in the T.V. series that ran sometime in the 60's and 70's. Malachi Thorne played the master of disguise in the series (see pic). False Face's face molding abilities are lot like the 80's Booster Gold villain The Chiller.

Episode Appearances

  • Plague.

Voiced By Townsend Coleman

False face screenchot from: Matt's Batman Beyond Site.
False pic from:1966 Batman TV Seies Villains Site
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