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The Stalker

The Character

The Stalker is a big Game Hunter who was badly injured in an hunting accident. However the accident left him physically enhanced, with sharpened senses. This led him to believe that there was no prey on Earth worthy of his senses. The only prey according to him that was worthy of his abilities was Batman and so he took to hunting him in "Blood Sport". However later on in the pay of the US Government he teamed up with Batman to hunt down FalseFace in "Plague".

Parallels and Thoughts

The character of The Stalker has no parallel in Batman: The Animated Series. However he does bear a striking resemblance to "The Stalker" who appeared in an old 1960-1970 s Superman comic . There he took to hunting superman in a similar fashion. The stalker also seems a lot like Kraven: The Hunter in Spiderman.Nevertheless The stalker remains one of the more enigmatic characters of the series.

Episode Appearances

  • BloodSport
  • Plague

Voiced by : Carl Lumbly

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