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Robert Vance

The Character

Prior to his death in the early twenty-first century, computer pioneer Robert Vance digitized all of his own brain impulses, creating a computer program of his own consciousness.
Reactivated thirty-five years later, Vance sought to attain physical form once again - first by taking control of the Bat suit, and later by re-loading his consciousness into his grand son.
As yet unsuccessful, Vance is a literal Ghost in the Machine, running unchecked through the computer network that is Gotham's nervous system -- able to access everything from the Gotham power grid to the latest scientific and technological data.

Parallels and Thoughts

Vance's roaming digital image reminds you of the computer intelligence HARDAC in BTAS. HARDAC with his devious plan to replace humanity with robot replicants was most prominent in "Heart of Steel". Present predictions by futurists make one wonder whether the very idea of living on electronically will be a possibility in the future. It also reminds one of the inherently human urge of being immortal, living continuously in perpetual existence, even after one's death.

Episode Appearances

  • Lost Soul

Voiced by: Stacy Keach

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