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The Character

What does it mean to be human? For Zeta this is question of life or death. Zeta is an Infiltration class synthoid, created by the U.S. Government, to be the perfect assassin. He can project a hologram around his body and alter his voice to become an exact double of any human being. This allows Zeta to do his assigned job easily and efficiently. But something happened to Zeta that his creators never expected. The synthoid developed a conscience. When he was ordered to kill a man he believed to be innocent, Zeta refused. Instead he threw away his weapon and ran away from his handlers. Ever since then, government agents have been after him, convinced that terrorists have reprogrammed him. Led by Agent Bennet, their plan is to wipe out Zeta's memory, reprogram him, so that he can go back to being the soulless assassin he once was. So Zeta's on the run now, eluding his pursuers with a little help from Batman. His only hope for redemption is to locate his creator, and hope that he can clear his name.

Parallels and Thoughts

BTAS did have an artificially intelligent robot like Zeta. The robot was a replica of Batman himself and was controlled by the computer intelligence HARDAC in "His silicon Soul". It too developed a conscience of it own and turned on its creator dying in the bargain. Zeta's search for the truth is reminiscent of Hisenburg, the fractal biot from Phantom 2040.

Episode Appearances

  • Zeta

Voiced By: Gary Cole

Screen shots from: Batman-Tomorrow and Beyond
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The Batman/Superman Adventures, Batman Beyond, Batman, and all related characters, names, images,and indicia are ©1999, DC Comics, a division of Time-Warner Communications, and are used without permission for the purpose of informed discussion. All rights reserved.No copyright infringment is intended. Site design Copyright Edward Nygma 2001-2002.