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Necromunda, Transformers Style

Wedge: Welcome to our story of war and peace, victory and defeat, Heroism and...

Grimlock: Just get on with it.

Wedge: Ok first off, it began with this squad you see above, in happier times, we decided to go and pick a fight with another gang, or more specifically the sondervals...

Wedge: At first I was the general, but I decided to let grimlock take control as he threatened to go into a sulk...

Wedge: After reviewing the troops each was given there own roles within our group.....

..Grimlock climbed building, pretending to be a monkey and act as the general.....

..The troops would engage the enemy and generally shoot stuff up....

.....While I cleared the post battle debris up. Ah the life of a soldier is never an easy one.

Home. The fight