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Mega Man

Mega Man


F) Ex20/Gd10
A) Gd10/Ty6
S) Rm30/Gd10
E) Am50/Ex20
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Ex20

Health: 110/46 Karma: 40
Resources: Gd Pop: 10

Known Powers:
Robotic Body: Rock was originally created by Dr. Light to act as his lab assistant. When the Robot Masters went rogue, Dr. Light outfitted Rock's body with armor. His very body gives Mega Man the following abilities:
-Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Self-Sustanence: Doesn't need to eat, sleep or breathe
-Immune to Disease and Toxins: Un
-Mental Shield: Mega Man is unaffected by Psychic attacks
Mega Buster: The Mega Buster is a particle energy weapon which utilizes solar energy to form "solar bullets," which are fired from the barrel and produce a physical impact. There is one equipped in each arm, and they utilize an additional L.S. generator exclusively for weapon usage. Thanks to this system, either one of Mega Man's hands is able to quickly collapse into his forearm, with the barrel of the Mega Buster springing out in its place. The Mega Buster fires up to 7 areas away and has the following types of shots:
-Solar Bullets: Ex Energy
-Charged Shot: By using an energy amplifying device, the Mega Buster can condense more solar energy to create a charged shot, which does In Energy, takes 1 round to charge
-Weapon Copy System: The Weapon Copy System allows him to take information found within other robots' data chips, and emulate their special abilities. However, as the system works to adapt them to Mega Man's own limitations, not all weapon emulation is a perfect reproduction of the original abilities.
-Energy Meter: A panel on the outer-forearm slides back, revealing a yellow energy meter.

Light Ceramical Titanium Armor: Mega Man's body is protected by a metal alloy known as "Light Ceramical Titanium," which is known for its uniquely strong yet light and flexible properties. It provides him with the following abilities:
-Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Alter Ego: The armor provides him with the stats above
-Materialize: Rock is able to call upon his armor at a moment's notice.
Helmet: Mega Man's robotic cranium contains a micro-sized super computer. As he was not designed to engage in heavy physical combat, the helmet helps to protect this integral part of Mega Man's body. It provides him with the following abilities:
-Head Armor: In protection vs. Stuns and Slams
-Auditory Sensors: Ex Hearing
-Communications: Am communications with Dr. Light's lab
Boots: Beneath the armored Light Ceramical Titanium covering, Mega Man's legs contain a hydraulic suspension system in the shin area which allows him to perform the following power stunts:
-Hyper Leaping: Rm ability to cross chasms and leap foes that would stop human forces in their tracks.
-Air Cushion: Mega Man's feet feature air pressure pumps. These provides a cushion of air below the feet which absorb the shock of landing after a jump with Am ability.
-Sliding: The boot thrusters also allow Mega Man to slide along the ground at In landspeed.

Talents: Martial Arts B, Weapon Specialist: (Mega Buster), Robotics, Computers

Contacts: Dr. Light, Roll, Rush, Auto, Quake Woman/Tempo
