Needle Man
F) Rm30
A) Rm30
S) Rm30
E) Am50
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Gd10
Health: 140 Karma: 30
Resources: Gd Pop: -10
Known Powers:
Robot Master Construct: Needle Man is a Robot Master designed by Dr. Wily, but constructed by Ra Moon after it analyzed Dr. Wily's schematics stored on the laptop. Spark Man's very body gives him the following abilities:
-Body Armor: Rm protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Self-Sustenance: Doesn't need to eat, sleep or breathe
-Immune to Disease and Toxins: Un
-Mental Shield: Needle Man is unaffected by Psychic attacks
-Head Spikes: On top of Needle Man's head is a plate with three spikes. He is able to perform the following power stunts:
--Extending Attack: Fires up to 2 areas, dealing In Edge
--Head Charge: Needle Man can dive head-first at an opponent to crush them with Rm Edge. Needle Man can move up to 3 areas in a round, but only in a straight line. He receives a +2CS when charging and his armor provides him with Un protection against any damage he might take.
-Integrated Circuit: The I.C. is the source of Needle Man's personality. When Mega Man fights against a Robot Master, he takes great care to not damage their I.C. chip's "cognitive circuit." As long as the cognitive circuit isn't completely destroyed, Needle Man can be rebuilt any number of times.
Needle Cannon: Needle Cannon as a rapid-fire weapon, launching tiny spikes at high speed. In Edge, 3 areas
Talents: Marksmanship, Crocheting
Contacts: Break Man, Robot Masters