A is for Angel, Adam, Anya, Amy, Anointed One
B is for Buffy, Blood
C is for Cordelia, Cross, College, Cemetary
D is for Dawn, Drusilla, Darla, Doyle, Demons
E is for Ethan, Evil
F is for Faith, Fangs, Full Moon
G is for Giles, Glory, Graduation, Gunn
H is for Holy Water, High School, Harmony, Hellmouth
I is for Initive, Investigations
J is for Joyce, Jenny, Jonathan, Joss
K is for Kendra, Kate, The Key
L is for Love (of the Forbidden kind of course), Library, LA
M is for Master, Mayor, Magic Shop
N is for Never Giving Up
O is for Oz, Olivia, One Moment of True Happiness
P is for Prof Walsh, Parker
Q is for Quest
R is for Riley, Runaway
S is for Spike, Slayer, Stake, Sunnydale, Scooby Gang, Spells
T is for Tara, Talisman
U is for Underground, Undead
V is for Vampire
W is for Willow, Wesley, Watcher, Werewolf, Witch
X is for Xander
Y is for Young
Z is for Zeroed by Buffy, Zombies
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