Disharmony: Angel and his newly reunited crew plan a treachercous attack on a powerful vampire cult leader. Before they plan their attack Cordelia's friend turned Vamp Harmony shows up after her breakup with Spike claiming she wants to help.
Dead End: Angel and Lindsey must work together while Cordelia's disturbing vision leads the gang to a body shop where parts are harvested from humans.
Belonging: Angel and his crew frantically attempt to kill a bloodthirsty demon that has arrived from another dimension through a portal in the karaoke bar. With the help of Cordelia's visions, they are able to find someone who can destroy the vile creature, but when it comes time to send their savior to his home dimension, Cordelia discovers an enticing new world.
Over The Rainbow: Cordelia is accidentally sucked through a magical portal and transported to a demon dimension, finding herself all alone in a strange new land where humans are considered inferior and sold into slavery.
Through the Looking Glass: Angel, Gunn, Wesley and the Host are sentenced to death in a demon dimension after trying to rescue Cordelia, but suddenly find themselves before Her Royal Highness, Cordelia.
There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb: Angel struggles with the inner beast that the demon dimension brings out in him, while Wesley and Gunn band with rebel forces to overthrow the government and Her Majesty Cordelia.
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