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Angel Season Four Review

Ok I've moaned and I've hoped and even prayed that Angel would get better and by gum it worked, season four of Angel was fantastic! The characters seemed to come alive again this year, you actually cared what was going to happen to them and a lot actually did. From Cordy comeing back evil, to Angel turning evil, Wesley turning back from the dark side a little, Gunn killing a person to save Fred, even if it did mean losing her in the process, Connor being useless as usual and Lorn making everybody laugh, all ending with the gang ending the only way for global peace earning them Wolfram and Hart! Whew. Great perfomances all around this year but my hat goes off to Hallet (Lorn) and Boreanaz (Angel) who really were fantastic this year, stealing the show from the rest of the cast. I can't wait for next season now, espically as the dead wood is gone, the characters of Cordy and Connor have run there course and new blood is needed, that new blood being Spike (James Masters) who is joining the cast from october 2003, I can't wait!

Best Episode This Season: Orbheus

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