
Real name: Rebecca

Age:22 Years Old

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 350 Lbs.

I am "Gifted" with the ability to Shapeshift, But the greatness of my Power also allows me to use the person's power(If a Mutant)

Place Of Birth: Utah

Power Level: 5

My life is NO mystery. I have been an orphan my entire life. I grew up in a small shelter in Utah where I was brutally beaten and sometimes molested. I manifested my power- I remember as though it were yesterday. I was in the shower washing away the "filth" and dreaming of being my teen Idol, Jodie Foster. Maybe I dreamt too much about being her. I looked in the mirror as I got out of the shower, and guess what! I was a Facsimilie Of that divine Foster. I quickly turned back to Myself. It is hard for me to keep a form for too long still to this day. No matter how much I practice. you can only imagine I find I have a great Power so I am not going to stay in a troubled shelter, so I left posing as a Plumber. I haven't looked back since, except for one person. My sister, Bethany. I regret not taking her with me, but this world is more of a threat then that shelter. About me being overweight well its a 'con' of having my morphing ability. It is Also extremely painful to use my power, but in some form or another its painful for all of us to use our abilities.

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