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Sometimes it's difficult to believe who's had a stay at the House of Mystery!


The Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane):

Cain and Abel act as guidance counselors in the Professor's dream about teaching again. It's strange to think that the Scarecrow has dreams about them, I know I do!

Abby :

Matthew's widow; and the Swamp Thing's lover. Abby met Cain when she had a dream about the origin of the Swamp Thing. She was rather rude to him, and chose a secret instead of a Mystery, but, she still counts as a visitor.

Mr. Mxyzpltk:

Evidently was a tenant for a time at the HOM. He came back to visit one Halloween and turned some trick-or-treaters into real monsters. This was part of a plot to annoy Superman, of course!

Blue Devil:

The Blue Devil was lucky enough to buy himself a house with a portal to the House of Mystery in the closet. He stayed at the house at some time, and Cain added his origin to his collection of mysteries.


Was the caretaker of HOM for a time. She was constantly teasing and belittling Cain who would pop up in the house now and than. Cain just regarded her as an annoying valley-girl.

Andrew Bennet:

A tenant at the HOM who outwore his welcome. He stayed just a little too long and took up just a little bit too much heading space, causing the houses demise, as well as his own.

Todd the Doorman:

Was originally going to take Cain's place in a book called Apartment of Fun. Cain had some of his friends from the house come over and convince him to refuse the job.

Lois Lane and Superman:

When Mr. Mxyzpltk came back to the House of Mystery on Halloween this of course attracted the Man of Steel.


Batman (Bruce Wayne):

Batman takes a trip to the House of Mystery. However the whole time he's there, he's totally oblivious to the fact. He steps out wondering what the hell happened, and figures he'll never find out. (NOTE: Cain sings Bruce Wayne lullabies)


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