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my garden and the pool. geetha says it has a chalet feel.


here's where i pig out, talk on the phone and "ahem".


tv! i can't live without tv... and internet, and my phone
and my ipod and my digital camera and my... SPONGEBOB!


the fridge! yes, laugh at my bottles of distilled water.
i'm sorry but tap water? are you kidding me. no no.


the sink of unwashed dishes. yikes.


the beater. the bowl is... somewhere. i don't know where.


my bed. unmade of course. i'm gonna sleep in it in again
at night aren't i? the logic people! the logic!


the piles of boxes i've yet to remove from the dining area.
i hate unpacking... I HATE UNPACKING!


the heavenly bodies that guard the house.
or so i think they do. *ahem*


on to my shopping...



my mambo pants. they're oh so lovely oh yes they are.


beach shorts or so i think they are. anyways, they're okay.
i was forced by rishi at gun point to buy them. yikes.


tube top and corduroy shorts.
wow, my knack for saying the
obvious is really kicking in.





for the julie lovers out there. this one's for u.



just in case you've forgotten how i look.



for the rishi lovers. are there any? muahahahha.