"Scams O' Plenty Volume 2"

The second, and by some considered the best of the "Scams" series. Although not exclusively calls to live talk shows, this tape contains the funniest crank calls to celebrities off the air available.

"Scams O' Plenty Volume 2" was also originally also sold exclusively through "The Howard Stern Show Newsletter" in 1991, which eventually evolved into www.koam.com, at least 350 copies were sold. "Scams O' Plenty Volume 2" has not been made availible since 1991.

This tape is the home of prank calls to Todd Bridges, Roseanne, Tom Arnold, John Debella, Wally Kennedy, Ted Danson, Richard Dreyfuss, and many more.

While the "Scams O' Plenty" series are a trilogy, the individual volumes stand on their own with extremely funny prank calls, that I promise won't dissappoint you.

in To order this item, link HERE.