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The Vagiteers!

Ok so you want to know more about your favorite Vagiteers? Well you've come to the right place. Read through their bios and get to know them better. You might learn something about yourself even...
I am Vagina Hear me Roar!
Captain Vagina is the leader of the vagiteers. When things get too tough to handle for the vagiteers they just use their rings to summon her almighty strength and witty humor.
I love Feminism!
Gaya is the Vagiteers' multicultural main man. He was the one who gave them their ring powers and keeps them up to date on AntiFeministic activity throughout the world. He sports a Mexican sombrero, black Japanese kimono and stylish Danish clogs. Despite his name, Gaya is not a homo. He lives on Dope Island which is Vagina HQ.
Let Our Powers Combine!
Kwomo is the quasi-Leader of the Vagiteers. Kwomo is a butch dyke from Africa. Her power is Vibrator which causes small earthquakes and makes things...well vibrate.
Row Row Row your Boat la la la la la!
Willy is the pretty american bimbo. She's not very bright and her power sometimes gets her in trouble. Willy's ring power is Orgasm which causes the "victim" to experience an orgasm. In doing so the victim becomes stunned and vulnerable... that or the person becomes horny and chases her.
RuPaul, eat your heart out!
Babushka is a drag queen from the Soviet Union. Dont get him wrong, Babushka's not gay. As a matter of fact she's secretly in love with a certain vagiteer. He only dresses in drag so that she could've been accepted into the Vagiteers. Babushka's power is Summer's Eve. Smells nice but this gust of wind packs a powerful blow to anyone or thing it hits.
Rock n Roll Bitches!
Bea is the rockin bitchy asian chick of the Vagiteers. She don't take shit from nobody! Her ringpower is Tampon which suits her PMS-attitude. Bea has the ability to pelt tampons towards enemies at high speeds.
Homo's Rule!
Manny is a big queer. He's the comical flamboyant character in the vagiteers... maybe hispanic i think. Anyway, Manny has a pet cat named Pussy. His ring power is Dildo. Basically he has the power to turn enemies into dildoes. SO WATCH OUT ANTIFEMS!
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