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March 14, 2004 10:06 PM Okay...I lied, I'm not gonna change anything on the website cos I'm lazy. And tired. Well yeah There'll be SOME updates, just not a whole lot. If you want any email notices or whatnot on the site then email me at starks@allhell.com January 4, 2004 1:12 AM Whoo Hoo!!! I'm coming back! I've had nearly a year of doing nothing to this site. Sure I posted some new stories and whatnot, but I'm gonna do some major changin...yup *Looks around* Things are gonna change. Because I'm dreadfully bored and bored. So here we go! Wheee!!!! May 30, 2003 11:53 PM Wow...I'm tired...hrm okee dokee, I know I haven't done anything with the site, but I'm planning to get back on it. The third Ultra Team Omega GO! Is in fact..nearly done. I will finish it as soon as the voices in my head quite singing showtunes. March something...I think 1, 2003 9:06 PM Hrm...I finished the 2nd flash movie...I'm still not motivated enough to work on the movies&music...maybe I'll just take it down...Hrmph...Oh well... Feb something, 2003 8:49 PM Well, as you can see I've done absolutely nothing for a long time, it's mostly because I just started downloading music and flash 5 and porn, the usual. But hey I'm back now! I've got a treat as well, I've made a flash version of my comic, it sucks because I had to cut a lotta things, but hey, it's cool. I'll be sure to get back on top of things! January 23, 2003 11:49 AM Okay, I'm finally getting up and doing something with site. I'm starting on some of the Jedi Council bios, I have some reviews for the games, I got the menu done for movies and music, and my comic Edgar The Former Christian Maniac is near completed on the net.My Opinions page is making progress and should be out and also the band that I'm in "The Right" will be getting it's own section here. So looks for these! January 16, 2003 8:19 PM I'm putting up another section....Well, I've had a nice break from doing anything with the site lately and Scott, Brandon, Tim, and Curtis's website is finally up. So I'll be sure to put that link up whenever it is I'm motivated.....probably tomorrow if there's no skool....well umm...yeah the section...it's an opinion page, post your opinion whether it's serious or not email'em to me at starky@allhell.com. BTW ONLY use starky@allhell.com I'll ignore it if it goes to me other email accounts. January 4, 2003 11:19 PM Okay, I got the People To Thank up now. So yeah...oh and here's this while I work on putting up artcrap. August 10, 2003 3:07 AM Okay...I was letting the site slip a little, but I'm back on it. That damn flash comic is coming along with a whole new series, remakes, and a special short...Yup a lotta projects underway now, but with jobs and school it'll take awhile, but I'll work on them! Look around the site for some new updates! January 2, 2003 8:25 PM I had to "fix" the images the hard way. Man...that wasn't cool. I had to go to geocities and put up the images there, so if you look on the Starky page, then there should be a little web address that you can copy and paste into your browser. Oh and another thing, If you're on the Jedi Council send me some stuff like pictures and other stupid er...interesting stuff about you guys for a bio. Us jedi's should be known. We're not all mystical, that's ninjas.Oh, I'm currently working on the games and artcrap section so those should be up soon. Well I'm going to go ahead and start working so you greedy fiends can have your pictures. December 31, 2002 1:49 AM Okay...If I had one piece of advice to give you guys, don't get a webpage at angelfire! Man I had all my pictures set up and everything and that infernal webpage screwed it up so only one picture shows up. I assure you that I did everything right, I've done it before, but that blasted device is being all not working and stuff. Grr...Well I know most of you guys are all like "well I don't wanna look at your site 50 times to check for an update." Well email me here "starky@allhell.com" and I'll send out a notice for updates! I must work on this site. Oh btw, my livejournal has been updated a little so checka dat. December 22, 2002 8:20 PM Alright! I gots me a webcam. Finally,
I found that blasted device. So now I have pictures! Look in the Starky
section. Oh just a quick neato thingy, check out homestarrunner.com. Check
out strongbad email. It's hilarious, Gach pointed that one out. Oh man...my
butt itches, I'm gonna go, and as for the links only working on this page,
I'll fix it you greedy bastards. Take care!
November 18, 2002 8:46 PM Well here's my first site! I'm pretty glad for this neato layout! Isn't it just so...wacky? Well there's some links to all my favorite animes, more stuff about me, my comics, my friends in Kansas and my hellish life in Hell/Kentucky. If god does exist...why the hell did he make Kentucky!? Anyways, Let me know if there's some good anime I'm missing out on, don't even dare suggest adding Dragonball Z or anything that has the word "dragonball" in it. That's a lame show. I'll have some games on here and hopefully will have a few neato links to a few friends that have a comic site and another lame lame! DBZ site, (join his site, it give him more work) But yeah that'll all to come soon! On A Long Enough Timeline, The Survival Rate For Everyone Will Drop To Zero -The Narrator-Fight Club
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