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Name: Hikono
Favorite Food: Spaghetti-o's
Least Favorite Food: Anything not instant and out of a can
Likes: Hanging out, partying, heights, and legos
Dislikes: Worrying and being depressed.
Hobbies: Long distance running
Interesting fact Hikono used to be very overweight
Personality: Hikono is very oblivious to what people think of her. She often lives in her own world and she has no idea what the words "making a scene," mean. She's very happy and bubbily and easily gets excited. Hikono lets nothing trouble her for long. Though outwardily she is one of the most exuberant she sometimes harbours secret doubts which her best friend Suzume helps her to lay to rest. She often worries about the future and her personal success in life. Though she has nothing but positive things for other people. In a lot of respects Hikono is very childlike.