Unknown Comic's Home Page

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A Visit to the Doctor's On the Way Home What the Hell is Wrong With Kids Today?! Adventures in Dating
"Enter Of Your Own Free Will" "Repetitive Stress Injury!" "The Ball" "Who's Driving, Anyway?"
"Just a Small Sample" "Alligator Trap" "Gladiatorial Combat" "Nose Through Brain"
"Vampires and STDs" "Not Funny" "Assault-Rifle-Mon"  
"The Excruciator"   "Pac-Man"  
"Every Woman's Fear"   "Gratuitous Violence"  
"Cargo Pants"      
"Insurance Problems"


Wednesday, December 26th:
A look inside the gamer's Nirvana.

Wednesday, September 18th:
Nose Through Brain strip is mostly true, give or take about 33%. Hey, at least it's better than getting shafted by one of UMass' many academic/administrative departments. ;) Also, I have the second version of the "Not Funny" strip up. Contains a slightly better punchline. In my opinion, anyway. Today's Guest Appearance: A not-so-mysterious ex-girlfriend.

Monday, September 16th:
Half a month later, I finally have my scanner hooked up, have paper to draw on, etc. etc. So I finally put up a new comic. I'll be returning to my "regular" updating schedule fairly soon (once approximately every 3 days), starting about now. A bit of an explanation for today's strip is in order: I've stopped shaving and started wearing a hat. Today's guest appearance by: David.

Sunday, August 25th:
So, after I got back from my hiking/canoeing trip, I suddenly found myself needing to run around like a rabid monkey. However, I managed to put a really long comic up ("Alligator Trap"). Just to clarify, yes, I want an X-Box. And yes, I'm going to get one. What am I going to do when I get one? Play Halo on it until my fingers fall off. That's how good that game is. It's like Doom and Quake for gameplay, except with better-than-Max Payne graphics. I mean, I almost crapped my pants playing it 8 player (2 X-Boxes, 4 controllers apiece), that's how good it was.

Saturday, August 17th:
Sorry guys. I couldn't quite finish starting up the new "series", and I'm going hiking for about a week. I'll be back next friday night, so there ought to be some sort of comic then.

Wednesday, August 14th:
Ever wanted to see those annoying little kids on Pokemon get their asses beat into the ground? Well, now you can, here on the Unknown Comic (name change pending). And once again, I have nothing against Koreans, or gay people. I just don't like gay koreans who also tower rush in Warcraft III. Anyway, I think I've worn that joke down to a nub, so that's the last you'll hear from me about gay koreans.

Tuesday, August 13th:
I've moved and reorganized the site somewhat. No more gay korean popup ads like on the old server... no, no, this isn't bigotry or prejudice or whatever. Those popup ads are actually korean and engage in male homosexual sex with each other.

Monday, August 12th:
Damn, that was a kickass LAN party. Friends, networked multiplayer games, and booze - you can't get much better than that. I just have one little rant I need to share:
Me and "Ilya" (who recently lost his hand in an unfortunate Diablo 2 accident) got reamed by a pair of GAY KOREANS. Nothing wrong with GAY KOREANS of course, I fully support their ass-ramming lifestyle and believe everyone should have the right to rail each other up the ass as they please - but stay away from my Warcraft III games! I don't enjoy playing Warcraft III against a bunch of GAY, TOWER-RUSHING KOREANS!

Thursday, August 8th:
Two days until the big LAN party. Let's see if I can finish my pokemon-bashing strip before then.

Tuesday, August 6th:
My apologies to all ZERO of the Haitians that read this strip for yesterday's racial slur. It's "Jamaicanmon", not "Haitianmon". And apparently, there's actually some good Anime shows on the Cartoon Channel. It's just the ones on basic cable channels that suck ass.

Monday, August 5th:
If my pencils hadn't run out of eraser, I'd have put two comics up today. As it stands, one comic today, one (or two) more tomorrow, when I er... "appropriate" some from work. Today marks the start of the "Poke" series of strips, my attempt at making a social commentary on certain TV shows that kids nowadays apparently watch. Back in my day, people would watch Transformers and Exosquad and other quality AMERICAN cartoons. Now, it's all freakin' Pokemon, Digimon, Haitianmon and "Incestual Tentacle Rape Mon"... now don't get me wrong, there IS good Anime out there, it's just not on American TV.

Monday, July 29th:
Well, I pulled a little boo-boo today - seems I was supposed to drive out to a friend's 21st birthday party, starting at 7:30pm. I got back home at about 6:45pm. It takes 2 hours to drive out there. You do the math.
On the plus side, I did get Doctor's Visit #2 inked, and a new Doctor's Visit episode up. That storyline will be ending shortly (one or two more strips at most).

Friday, July 26th:
Another two comics up. I think I'll continue on this "2 comics/3 days" trend, it seems to fit my schedule pretty well. I also changed the site layout a bit. Hey, who knows, I may get one of those calendar-type things one of these days...

Tuesday, July 23rd:
Two more comics are up - all inked and stuff. Nobody visited here yet... because I haven't given anyone any links yet.

Saturday, July 20th:
I put up all I've drawn so far over the course of the last three or so days. It's about 1am. Elly, you were right, inking is a pain in the ass. ;)
- "No, no, no. You're a tracer."
- Anyone recognize that Kevin Smith movie quote?
I'm sure I'll have a better page cooked up at some point, just not today... perhaps when I move this pile of dung to another server.


I'm not sure how the bloody $#%! you wound up here, but why not do my friend a favor, and visit her comic instead?
Some poorly drawn, and in MS Paint, no less, comic strips.

This page and all pictures on it are the work of Andrew Pokrovski, and should really not be used elsewhere without permission (why anyone would want to is another issue).

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