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Plot Bunny Nibbles

Okay! Here's a page full of little snippets that have hit the both of us from time to time, just waiting to be written. They might be full-blown outlines, a few sentences, a challenge we saw somewhere that piqued our interest or an exerpt from a conversation we've had. Who knows what kind of stuff we'll come up with. Thanks to Fuzzyblue for the bunny picture! :*

What Happened When They Switched Bodies

What summoned the bunny: Nothing in particular, but Ice has the bruise to prove it bit hard.

Main idea the bunny brought: Think Freaky Friday

Read the bunny snippets

Idea brought about by: A normal Yezra/ice p.d. conversation on IM that just veered off into left field.

What Summoned the Bunny:

Yezra (3:57:53 PM): i can’t imagine myself trying to be a nice, friendly, cheerleader-type
Yezra (3:57:59 PM): i'd puke
iceprincessdeluxe (3:58:17 PM): or pass out from sheer exhaustion of playing that role
Yezra (3:58:38 PM): that'd be it
Yezra (3:58:48 PM): Nick woudl think i was a pod-person
iceprincessdeluxe (3:59:48 PM): and then that would be the start of a great crossover arc involving Brood aliens, the fantastic four, and all sorts of other extras
iceprincessdeluxe (4:00:02 PM): "What Happened When Yezra Lost It" (working title :p)

Main Idea the Bunny brought: What exactly would happen if Yezra and Ice got kidnapped and their bodies replaced by Marville aliens (Brood, Kree, whatever)? How would those replacements act? Who would notice first? Who would be skeptical? What the hell would Ice and Yez do on board a spaceship/different planet/whatever or wherever?

Some of the finer points:

  1. Aliens act completely different than Yez & Ice
    1. Yezra now has a shallow, self-involved personality
    2. Yez & Jean become best friends
    3. Yez’s alien is programmed to live for manicures, shopping sprees, and sales at expensive boutiques
    4. Emma can’t find Yez’s consciousness, her brain has turned into tapioca
    5. Ice becomes a frigid bitch to Logan and hateful to her kids
    6. Alien is very mean spirited
  2. The only one that can actually “see” the aliens for what they are is Mary, Ice’s youngest kid
  3. Takes place sometime after Yezra’s “What Happened When One of Them Got Lost”
