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have you been wondering who the heck they are?!?

have you been wondering who the heck they are?!?

Colonel Nicholas Joseph Fury, Director of SHIELD

Ahhhhhh! here he is!!! the man of my dreams! i can't help it, i like men that look and act like MEN!
Nicholas is my muse in the Claws fics. even compared to ice's muse, Wolverine, he is the worst pain in the ass! but, at least his weapons are removable.
i can't begin to tell you how much i like this character. he's a gruff, tough walking wall of meat, and he's seen too much crap in his 80+ years to ever be a pleasant person again. he's an aging-ever-so-slowly WWII vet (thanks to the infinity formula), but aging nonetheless. he's a 6' 1" 225-lb muscle-bound asshole, with a penchant for great big guns. he gets bonus Yezra Points for proper use of the term "cluster fuck" in his last miniseries. he shoots first. he'll ask questions later, but only if he's forced to (ie., if the UN is watching).
and... i hear he's got a heart, too, but it's apparently real hard to find....

Nick Fury is a comic book character created by the good folks at Marvel Comics. he has had several of his own books as well as mini-series. he is also a great supporting character that shows up in all sorts of Marvel titles, from X-Men to Captain America to Elektra.


Nick sticks to musing with Yezra, but Logan is my muse. We have a pretty good arrangement; he gets all the free beer and places to smoke and I get all the help on my stories when ideas are running a little low.

Logan and I "met" when I was 8 years old and reading some of my dad's old comics. I picked up Uncanny X-Men #153 where Kitty was telling a fairy tale to Colossus' little sister. The character known as Mean got me interested, then I started reading up some more on Wolverine. Ever since then, that rough, gruff all out and out male that'll bust skulls and take names later, don't take no crap from nobody personality has clawed his way to numero uno in my book. The fact that his history is as Swiss cheesed as his memory and that he fights to keep a hold of his humanity intrigues me even more. Now if only he can keep his butt from getting beaten up so much and so often that it looks like he climbs into a meat grinder five times a week...

Nature Boy & The Meatball

they make quite the pair, don't they?
me an' ice sure think so!

*tee hee hee*

holy strappy thingies & spy gadgets, Batman!

this is my favorite pic of Nicholas in his SHIELD uniform. look at all those gadgets! it's gotta take him forever to get out of that thing to pee!

you see him here with the lovely Rogue, who also pops up in our muse fics as a supporting player.

Nick Fury, Elektra, Captain America, Gambit, Rogue and Wolverine are copyright ©Marvel Comics. We use them without permission and for entertainment purposes only. no infringement intended.

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