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Supporting Cast

Supporting Cast

Princess Ninotchka

well, here she is... my fearless (yeah, right!) Great Dane, Nina. since the day Nick -poofed- into my house, he has been making fun of her. Danes are supposed to be known for their courage.

i find that rather amusing.

like Nick, she's tall and muscular. so... i guess i got a serious thing for 'tall and muscular', huh?
but, unlike Nick, she's a complete chicken. she's 140 lbs of pure canine muscle that likes to sit on my lap when there is a thunderstorm, or when a truck barrels down the road, or when my nephew comes over to play.
the thunderstorm thing i can understand... but for pete's sake - she outweighs the nephew!!

she is, however, very pretty, and quite possibly the sweetest creature i have ever known.


Well, here's a compliment for Yez' precious doggie Nina. Her looks are deceiving, she's a big ball of fur with a serious attitude problem and claws to match. Her and Logan have a deal; she doesn't claw him, he won't claw her either. He's the one person that I know who can get her to act like she should. She doesn't care for Remy though. The feeling is mutual, especially after the hem of his trench coat became her favorite scratching post.

She's a total sweetie when it suits her though. Like when she's lonely and wants petting, she'll climb up on my lap or sit on my computer desk. She'll even help out with the writing by walking all over the keyboard before jumping over to settle down on the scanner for a nap.

Attitude aside, I love her an' wouldn't trade her for any other cat.

Remy LeBeau

gads! do i even have to say anything?!? i mean, look at him! yummie!!
Remy has a permanent place in both mine and ice's hearts even if it means dodging fists when our muses catch him stealin' de kisses. He's around to lend a hand on the romantic scenes that our guys would normally cringe at. A sucker for a pretty face, he's also our ticket into the Marvel universe when Logan or Nick tell us no. Usually when the three of us are together we get into some sort of trouble or another, but we love him too much to care. he still muses with us both - he's a muse slut, he'll go to anybody - but one look at that mug and you forgive him all too easily...

and one of the many nice things about Remy LeBeau is....

he looks just as good from the back.... he does from the front!

Henry McCoy

Hank McCoy, better known as Beast, is one of these guys that you just instantly love right on the spot. Before Logan came onto the scene, Hankster was one of my favorites with his mouth spouting off ten dollar words that made him sound like he had eaten a dictionary and his penchant for those sugary little cellophane wrapped pieces of sunshine called Twinkies. Mamma McCoy's bouncing baby boy's been through a lot lately, yet he just bounces right back up and trucks along. In our stories Hank takes over musing duty for Logan after a while, and he's always there to lend a furry hand when it's needed.

run for cover! it's The Red Menace!

little did i know that my intense hatred of Jean Grey would cause such an uproar.
one day, while innocently posting over at the interactive forum at The Wolverine and Jubilee Page ("so good, it used to be banned in China!"), i listed a bunch of not-so-nice nicknames i have for her. and by golly, The Red Menace is one that stuck. you'll find it's a name used in many other muse fics, by people other than myself and ice p.d., as well. see?? there are many of us that see through TRM's saccharine facade.
so, if you hate that nickname, then you have me to thank for it.
and no, i won't apologize.
here's Mizz Grating trying on her Marvel Gurrrl outfit for the first time, hundreds and hundreds of years ago. Golly No There Isn't a Conceited Bone in Her Body, as she is "absorbed" with her own reflection.

we bash her, but regular, in our Claws fics.

Jean Grey, Gambit, Remy LeBeau and Nick Fury are copyright İMarvel Comics. We use them without permission and for entertainment purposes only. No infringement intended.

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