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What the Critics have to Say
The Reviews

First off, there was
How They Got their Muses

Ice Drop wrote:

"you two have moved up to level of goddesses. i absolutely worship your fics!"

Now, THAT'S a review, dammit! This person knows exactly how to get on our good sides!

A woman who loves Hank more than even i.p.d.,fuzzyblue wrote:

"Yay! Now I know the history of the muses!!! (And it's thanks to you I've got Hank for my muse, Ice!) This was funny!"

Hank deserves an author as wonderful as you, fuzzyblue!

Good friend and fellow muse-keeper,sparklagal said:

"ya know, you too are geniuses when ya work tagether. Great Job!"

Thanks, Spark honey! Kiss Vic for us!

Flashgriffin had this to say:

"Pretty cool. If I didn't know any better, I'd almost think this was real."

Um. You mean… it's not real? Ice? Ice! It's time for my prozac! NOW!

What they said about
What They did in Madripoor

This comment is from sir-black:

"someday....i want to be able to write stories as good as this."

Wow… Thankies! That one had us beaming!


"Post more soon, please! I want to know what the muses do when they realize where their authors have run off to. :) ~Rachel~"

Same as always, Rachel. They spanked us. *eg*

Do you remember
Why Remy Never poofed out of Madripoor

In a profound moment of irony, -E wrote:

" 'Logan stared through the tinted back window at Ice as he pumped gas into her truck.' One line, with astounding implications."

To this day, this is one of ice's favorite reviews.

I'm not sure about the actual heritage, but Loganson wrote:

"Uh, author inserted fic? A tad bit too self-involved for a rather unserious concept, but I like Nick Fury and wish I could see more of him in fan fic."

And there you have the review that inspired us to become as self-involved as we could! Thanks, dude! You totally cleared the path for us!

Speaking as only a Metroprincess can:

"…the fact that this chapter was close to boiling over with sexual tension was good..."

That just made our ears pink. Tee hee hee…

The muses were running scared in
The Return of Ascian
(penname Yezra)

Well, lots o' people said some really nice things about this fic…
And then I went and lost them all. My bad. Sorries.

Who can forget the time-honored tradition of the
Authors call in sick day

(penname ice princess deluxe)

Jimaine wrote:

"I swear, every time I read one of these things, I make another dent in the floor by my chair… This has got to be one of the funniest things I ever read… I really liked it, in case you couldn't tell… I hope Remy got paid…"

Oh… donthcha worry 'bout that. He got laid – er, ah, we mean paid.

Flashgriffin said:

"Oh, wow. You guys, that was great!! I wish I had a muse. You could've asked me to join if I had one."

And we do, later, in What Happened when they Babysat the X-Babies!!!

kim wrote:

"…just stopping in to say that Ice you are a God (I love your stories) and I worship at your feet. :) If you ever get tired of having Remy as a temp muse send him to me. Really day or night, 24 hours a day on call, in any condition I'll take him."

Ice asks: "Is it even possible for one to get tired of having Remy?"

Metroprincess' insightful comments were:

"Oh, beer breath? and I thought I had an evil streak."

C'mon, Rachel! You can't deny that Nick deserved that torture.

One of our favorite secret admirers, -E, had this to say:
"You gals make my day."

I'll never forget
What They Did on the Camping Trip


"I LOVE this story! I've read it several times and it gets funnier every time!!"

Gadget gave us some constructive criticism:

"This is a good story. However, the one thing I do not like is how Jean is portrayed. At least you are being nice to my favorite character Scott. In my mind Jean is not that prissy. Hell, in this story she sounds just like me…"

Gadget, thanks for the honesty. Yezra and I really do appreciate it.
Oh SHIT! The Queen is breaking out of her handcuffs! Nick! Help me! She's gonna go off!

Metroprincess comes to the rescue!

"multiple suitcases for a camping trip? Yeah...Jean *is* that sad…"

Yezra says: "HMPH! Take that, gadget… Owch!" (that was ice, socking her fellow author in the back of her head)

Terrible nightmares plagued us for weeks after
What Happened when they Babysat the X-Babies

Persephone of the fabulous penname wrote:

"Very cool. I love y'alls stories like this...they're incredibly imaginative and unique. I can't wait for more...btw, tell Remy he can come over and muse for me anytime :)"

More peeps who want Remy. Whodathunkit?

Lilith Knight:

"OMG! *wipes tears of laughter from her eyes* Please continue. This was fantastic!"

Another cool penname, Glamorous Glue said:

"One woman alone against the X-Babies! Heaven help her!"

Finally, someone who understands how evil they really are…


"aaaaaaahhhhhggggg! You left a cliffhanger! C'mon, please write more soon, so we can see how much arse-kicking Wolvie 'n Fury do!"


"Oooooooo- This is gettin good people! Great job! I can't wait to see the rest of the story!"


"uh appealing as it might be to just leave the kids wherever they've been taken, I hope chapter 8'll show them being found. :) ~Rachel~"

You see, Rachel has one of those things called a 'conscience'.

Call me Red:

"I have always laughed at those who thought babies were's reason #46 I'm never having kids."

You and the Queen need to compare notes.

And this one is from a peep goes by the name of quiksilv:

"erm...who's ice?and trevor? did you make them up? how come logan has an author? huh? pardon me,i'm a little confused now."

OH YES, it's reviews like this that keep us going, quiksilv!

Ice and I will never, ever forget
What Happened when they Stopped Smoking

Just a note: This fic generated a TON of reviews, and that made us really happy because we worked very hard on it.


"You know, Marvel is in fact run by minions of satan."

Okay, so she's got a conscience. But she's also *smart*.

Another cherished review by the elusive, magnanimous –E:

"Yes! Yes! Authoritus rears its ugly head once again! Sorry, its one of my faves."

Ours too, -E! We love it when an inter-dimensional flu bug allows us to get in buttloads of trouble in another universe that sports men who stretch like silly putty and women who shoot firecrackers out of their hands!


"It's going to be very *interesting* to see how marvel handles this in the comics. I mean how are they suddenly going to stop smoking, with what excuse?? Unless, hehe, Remy gives up smoking cause he finds out that as long as he doesn't smoke he can touch Rogue with no aftereffects…"

"Yeah, and monkeys are gonna fly out of the JQM's-"


"Vic and Birdy are getting along great and I got myself another muse! I really should be groveling at your feet, I *finally* got a muse who actually likes Romance…"

Spark, don't grovel! Have We taught you nothing?! Tossing cash or fine jewelry at our wine-dipped feet is just fine.


"yaaay! Loved Yez's rant..."I watch PBS!" was tooooooo funny."


"dudes this is hilarious!! I can't wait for the next installment!! Make it soon, please!!!!!"

Arachne wrote:

"I love this story! But one complaint. Love the death of the Red Menace...but Betts and Scott? What about Warren! Their break up was one of the biggest pieces of poopy from Marvel in years. other than that, I love it. Long live Jubes!"

We love Betts with Scott too, Arachne, and their breakup was total poopy. But we did it to piss off Menace-girl. Scott used to have the hots for Psylocke once, long ago, before Mizz Grating put his dick in a vice…


"hell yeah! please! please let them smoke… Vic driving me up the friggen wall! He's a bottomless pit… My fridge is empty. again."

Miranda wrote:

"Too damn wonderful! I really like you specifying where Jean bashing will occur."

Well, we di-unt want anyone's iddie-biddie feewings to get crwumpled.

Metroprincess, eloquent as ever!

"teehee… it's good to see that Logan does have enough brains to ignore the allure of that "one little taco"."

Probably our favorite fic:
What Happened a Dozen Years later


"dammit get em back together already! the angst is killin me!"

"holy depressing!"


"I really liked this chapter, very sentimental, and sad, and drama-y. I really think this is one of your best."

We got this gem, from firecracker, when we announced that we'd be hanging up our claws&clicks fic shoes for a "good, long" while:

"Nooooooooooooooo!!! *looks absolutely horrified* You can't be serious here!
Whatdoyoumeanforagoodlongwhile??? *starts sobbing* (ok, I admit, that's partly because of the heartbreaking story so far) *tries her best puppy eyes on Ice and Yez* Pleeeease, could you at least scratch the "good" or the "long" just to give your older fans some hope of still being alive when this "while" ends?"

*sniff* we did come back, firecracker. After demands like that we had to!

And this heartfelt plea from Sara:

"Oh please write a sequal to this!!!!!!!! I must knoww what happens to them next!!!!! What's with Emma's asking Yezra if she's preggers… Are there little Meatballs in the future for the confirmed child hater? …Don't leave me dangling from this plot precipice!!!!!!!! I'm slipping!!! I've loved reading these insane stories you two have cooked up and I especially love the Jean bashing!!!! DOWN WITH THE RED MENACE!!!!!!! I don't know what Wolvie ever saw in her."

Wow. Just, *wow*.


"I want the same Blue Something for my wedding as Ice had for hers!!!"


"great ending you guys. i'm sorry to see you leave too :("


"Great story, Gals!! Don't retire too long!"


"*gigglegigglesnort* "Let's drain that bar dry!" Yup, that's my muse alright. Hurrah for the wedding and for Domino and Cable talking again. whee! looking forward to the next chapter!"

Courtney wrote:

"…and i couldn't help but laugh at Jean having a fit about the wedding."

Neither could we!

Our bud, Agent51, from the interactive boards:

"Honestly, you've made Stevie-muse cry. Poor Baby, he doesn't like all the angst. Or it could be me hitting him at the appropriate parts, damn males! Keep it up troops."

A reunion of sorts, for
What Happened on their Honeymoons

Spryt wrote:

"Dude! Why do you do that!! I hate cliffhangers! No, I ain't angry, just impatient. You guys (er, girls) are pretty much the best fanfickers I've ever read. Truly. Keep up the awsome work!"


"Yea!!!!! You are back with another great story!! Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!"

That made our day, Rehsh!


"Chuckles abound! When do I get to read more?"


"*Claps* Now get on with this, cause I'm going to make Stevie muse wear his shorts until its done. And you wouldn't want that on your consciences would you?"

Shame on you, Agent, for making your muse wear clothes! Shame shame shame!


"You married your muses? Hmmmm...not a bad idea...*Hank looks at me, panic evident in his eyes* Too bad I'm already married. *Hank breathes a huge sigh of relief* But then again, this IS fan FICTION...*Hank panicks again*"


Rachel, again, the lovely Metroprincess:

"I LOVE it! I'm really looking forward to more of this."

Rachel, you've reviewed us a lot, both as solo authors and as Claws & Clicks, and we just wanna say thanks for being so supportive!

Disturbed Courtney said:

"*squeals with delight* you guys are back!!! with company no less!! awesome beginning and i can't wait for more :o)"

awww, Courtney, you can squeal anytime you want! It only encourages us!

Then there was the time about
What Happened When She Became a Muse
(written solo by ice)


"hehehehee!!!! *loved* it! protective Victor, lucky you. and congrats on breaking free of the norm and writing so much action! feels good to do new things, huh? and i'm happy that Brooke has been "removed". b&w, baby, all the way!!!!!!!"

It was kinda scary, but here is
What Happened When one of them Got Lost
(written solo by Yezra)


"Despite the lack of 'mushiness', you've got a good romance going here… I shudder to think what's going to happen when Nick finally finds Yez, though."

So did Nick…

ice princess deluxe

"Okay, I know this is a Claws story, but like you said, I had no hand in it so I'm gonna review to my heart's content dammit! :)
Yez, woman, every time I read this I get all sappy eyed. Ya make me wanna just hug Nick… Heee... Ice's brood of children :) Gads, can you imagine little feral anklebiters running around? …once again you amaze me by breaking out of your comfort zone and doing something totally out of your usual area. And you do it with style, lady."

Issa, darling, you know I love you. :*

The Miscellany stuff!

Pappy Logan's Flamin' Fairy Tales, my additions
(found under the penname ice princess deluxe)

Always encouraging, Jeanne M said:

"These are so much fun! I always enjoy finding some of Pappy Logan's stories, they are so well written and imaginative that I can't help but laugh. Kudos on a job well done. ~ Jeanne M."

Jeanne, a review from you was always something to look forward to!

The Black Boots
(found under the penname Yezra)

Raven wrote:

"…This story was funny as all hell. Lil' Wolvie and the rest of the pansies, and big Wolvie and Remy at the end... Wow.. ::Fans her self:: I envy you. The story was kick ass and I hope you and rest of the girls who kidnapped all the cool muses do more."

We did, Raven, and we will. ;)

In my mostest favorite review ever, ice princess deluxe said:

"That was too *bleepin'* fantastic! All hail de queen, neh? Great ending gal. And I most definitely do NOT mind ya puttin' me in your fic. You're quite welcome for the two-fer-one. ;)"

That there's history in the making folks. This was pretty much the moment I knew I'd met someone I wanted to write fic with.

Yezra's Real Life best friend Valkyree wrote:

"I think the best thing about the whole thing, is reading the words and being able to see the expressions and hear the voice exactly as it's meant to be... & I know, because of the brilliant writing, that all that read it can also "see" the expressions and "hear" the voice... but it's even better knowing it first hand... I love it!"

Awwwww, Val… yer making me blush!


"I'd say I love your flamin' fairy tales except I'm too busy imagining Remy. In tight shorts."

Skye wrote:

"...whiny brats being told to shut up…"

oh, Skye. You've summed up Yezra's entire existence. Thank you.