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What Happened When They Babysat the X-Babies
Chapter 3
Oh, great. Now what do we do?




The three authors, their muses and the two X-Babies appeared in the Danger Room in front of a shaken Trevor, who ran up to Ice as soon as she appeared.

“Ice, I am so glad you came back! I can’t handle these kids. They’re all fighting and yelling at each other!” They were indeed. All the toddlers were shrieking and hitting each other and running around and yelling at the top of their lungs. The authors and muses looked at each other. How were they going to get them all to be quiet?

Logan had a moment of inspiration. He had managed to make them shut up before, maybe he could do it again. “Alright, shut the hell up!!” He bellowed. L’il Wolvie beside Ice held his hands over his ears. All the others looked up in shock, and were quiet.

“Well, dat worked.” Gambit commented.

“Miss Ice, I’m still thirsty.” Mini-Jubes said, tugging on Ice’s shirt. Suddenly there was a chorus of similar cries. Every one of them had a complaint. Then Gumbo noticed the smeared ice cream on Cyke and L’il Wolvie’s faces.

“’Ey! Cyke an’ Wolvie had ice cream! Gumbo wan’ some too!”

“Da! I want ice cream too!” Colossussus chimed in. In a moment, everyone else wanted ice cream as well.

“Oh, great. Now what do we do?” Yezra sighed. “We can’t let them out of the Danger room. They’ll destroy the mansion.”

“We’re going to have to eventually.” Griffin said. “We can’t lock them up in here forever. The Danger Room doesn’t have food preparation facilities or anything does it?”

“Nope.” Logan answered.

“How ‘bout we take them out in little supervised teams?” Trevor suggested. “Like each adult get a few little tykes to watch?”

The others nodded their heads thoughtfully. “That’s a good idea.” Yezra said. “But I think we should have two adults at least for each team. I am not being alone with a bunch of those …creatures.”

“I hear ya.” Griffin said, glaring at the toddlers, who were now singing their 13th repetition of ‘I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!’. “Shut up!” She yelled at them.

Their volume level didn’t change. “Why don’t it work for me?” She asked rhetorically. Gambit looked down at his author, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Yo’ ain’t intim’datin’ enough, chere.”

“Thank you so much, Remy.” She said sarcastically, shrinking into his embrace.

“Hey, where’s CreepyCrawler?” Ice asked, staring at the assembled children, doing a mental roll call. They were still singing.

“CreepyCrawler?” Logan asked her. “Was he even here?”

“Yeah. He was here when you brought Trevor and I here in the first place. I remember seeing him before, and now I can’t find him.”

“CreepyCrawler?” Griffin asked, slipping out from Remy’s arm to join Ice. “As in, like, little Nightcrawler? As in teleporting?”

“Yeah.” Ice looked around a bit more, expecting to see him in the rest of the expansive room. He wasn’t. “Oh, no. He teleported out of the Danger Room. He could be any where.”

Yezra rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. “I knew something like this would happen. I just knew it.”


“Here CreepyCrawler! Where are you?” Griffin called as she wandered through the totally deserted Mansion with her muse. She looked up to the Cajun beside her and asked, “You wouldn’t happen to be telepathic would you?”

The Cajun smiled at her. “Non, ma petite.” Suddenly he heard a far off BAMF sound. “I jus’ heard ‘im teleport. Une moment. I be right back.”


“I’ll just stay here then.” Griffin said looking into the room to her left. “Hello! Anyone here?”



Remy appeared in the room he had heard the BAMF come from. He looked up and saw a tiny, blue furred boy hanging by his tail from the ceiling fan.

“Herr Gambit! You found me!” He teleported down to Remy’s shoulder. “Tag! You’re it!” He disappeared in his older version’s trademark puff of smoke.





“I foun’ ‘im, chere, but I los’ ‘im ag’in. He be playin’ tag wit’ us. We gotta tell de od’ers.” He reached out and held his author tight.



“CreepyCrawler! C’mon, kid! If you come out now, I’ll give you some candy!” Ice called.

“Who’s idea was it anyway, to have a kid who could teleport? When Mojo created them, he should have left Nightcrawler alone.”

“I dunno, Babe. I kinda like this.” Ice looked at her muse, confused.

“You do, Logan?” He grinned at her.

“Yeah. We’re alone, we have time to ourselves…” He trailed off, gently backing her into the wall and kissing her neck.

“I see your point.” She responded, running her hands through his hair.



“Jeez, guys, get a room.”

Logan swiveled his head around and glared at the Cajun and his disturbed author. Seeing Logan’s gaze, Griffin blanched and took an involuntary half step closer to Remy. Ice blinked and disengaged herself from Logan. “Hey Griffin, Remy. What’re you doing here?”

“You tell them, Remy.” Griffin said, elbowing Gambit gently in the ribs. “You’re the one who found him.”

“Ya found the fidget, Cajun?” Logan asked, obviously annoyed to be disturbed.

“Uh, sorta, mon ami. I saw ‘im. De p’tit Crawler teleported away fro’ moi, tryin’ t’ play tag wit’ Gambit. I dunno where ‘e is now.”

“So, why did ya bother us then?” Logan asked, turning back to Ice. “Go look for him.” He said between kisses. Remy rolled his eyes.


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