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What Happened When They Babysat the X-Babies
The Show Must Go On


Wolvie let go Ice's hand, who still held onto Trevor's. Ice gave her muse a look of warning, and she led Trevor out into the driveway, leaving Logan behind to peer out of a window.

"Trouble in paradise, my dear?"

"Trev, please. Not now." Ice rolled her eyes. She wasn't looking forward to going to a stylist and having more hair chopped off just to straighten the ends out.

"Hey! I'm not the one sleeping with my favorite fictional character!"

"Yeah, and it's a good thing, too - or you'd still have Wonder Woman chained up in your basement."

Trevor giggled. "Don’t worry, I know how to fix everything."

"Oh yeah? How?" Ice stopped in front of Trevor's wheels. She crossed her arms and looked at him expectantly.

Trevor glanced at the living room window where he saw a triangle of light and a bushy head of hair, watching them intently. Mentally, he measured the distance. He grinned. Then suddenly, before Ice could object, he took her in his arms and kissed her for all he was worth.

"Mmnnmnngggpgph!" Ice struggled, not at all sure why Trevor was doing that. He hadn’t done that since she was 7 and he was 9. Thank God he'd improved his technique since then.

The door to Ice's house was shoved open and a loud growl was heard as a Logan ran across the yard towards them. Trevor smiled at the sight while kissing Ice. Then he broke from her lips, yelped a happy goodbye and scampered into his truck. He turned the engine over and peeled out of the drive just as Logan caught up to them.

Ice giggled, and Logan turned to face her.

"What?!" he growled.

"Logan… You're so adorable." She giggled and sighed, and took his hand to drag him back to her house.



Nick and Yez were back in her living room. It was still dark, the sun had yet to come up. For a long time they just stood there, her back cradled against his front and his arm wrapped around her waist. There were no screaming, sticky brats calling Yezra 'mommy' or kicking Nick's shins. There was only Nina, who loped up to them, sniffed them thoroughly, and wagged her tail. Satisfied, she went back to her bed.

The water pump in the basement kicked on, and the pipes creaked quietly. The hisssss of the water running through the softener system was heard, very faintly, from the stairs. A clock ticked softly in the kitchen. Every now and then the wind caused a tree branch to scrape against a gutter on the far corner of the porch.

Yezra smiled, feeling Nick's arms tighten around her waist as he bent over and whispered near her ear.

"Hear that?"

"What?" she whispered back, smiling.

"Precisely." Nick turned her around gently, and kissed her.

"Wa-hoo," she whispered teasingly, using his old Howler battle cry.



Remy squeezed Flashgriffin's hand and she sat down in a soft chair. The clock read 3 am.

"Geez, is it always like that there?" Griffin's eyes were wide.

"Oui, Chere. Why do you t'ink Gambit and de other muses try to get out of dere so often?"

"Well… I knew it was nuts, with all the powers and mutants and other weird creatures, but…"

Remy chuckled, and bent over to remove her shoes for her. Griffin sighed and wiggled her toes. "Remy know, Petite. So I s'pose you not gonna wan' go to Marville ever 'gain?" He rubbed her toes softly, giving her the irresistible puppy dog red-on-black eyes.

"Oh, I don’t know. I think I could handle the adult versions of the Brotherhood. It's just those kids… God, Rem! I'm gonna have nightmares!" Remy chuckled and stood up.

Griffin balanced her feet on the edge of her seat.

"You wan some tea, Chere?"

"That'd be good, Rem."

"Den we can get to work on dat fic you wan' Gambit's help wit."

Griffin looked at him, and this time she had the puppy dog eyes. Remy sighed. He grinned at his author.

"Or, perhaps… dis ole' Cajun can make you some herbal tea, and den tuck you in, non?"

Griffin smiled warmly. "Oui."


Mojo sighed wearily. Well, melodramatically. He picked up the three boxes where they had been discarded on the mansion's lawn, and tossed them at his pretty blonde assistant.

"Shall I release the Three M's, your highness?" The perky woman-like creature tossed her hair around and smiled like a game show hostess, showing all her teeth.

"No, they'll only start crying about their failed careers and how the system is working against their magnificent talent… *groan*… Then I'll be forced to give them bit parts on The New Love Boat. Sweet Mojo only knows… poor Gopher has had to deal with enough bad extras."

"Perhaps a punishment is in order, my fearless leader?" More smiles. More teeth.

"Ohhhhhh! I don’t feel like it. At least my precious X-Babies are in one piece. We can save them for later. I want to investigate this… author thing that some of those Marvillers have going on." Mojo grabbed the boxes and began juggling them. Faint screams could be heard from inside. He sighed again. "You know… I try and I try, and what do I get in return?!"

"Domination of the Universe, Oh Exalted One?" Her game show eyes twinkled in the moonlight.

"No, you complete ninny!" Mojo threw the boxes back at her, nearly beaning her in the head. She just kept smiling. "Tell me, Barbie-gone-bad, what do I pay you for?!" He waved his hand and they were surrounded by a shimmering light, and the portal back to MojoVille opened up. "Now get your bony blonde ass back home, and clean my hot tub!"


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