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Here's a bunch of snippets that are either too short for an actual fic (drabbles), little scenes that somehow don't fit themselves into a fic or scenes that came across our minds well after a story was done. The majority of them aren't big enough for plot bunnies to bite, but some scene or piece that our muses came up with but left in limbo.

Hope you enjoy!

Here's a couple of 100 word (not including title or description) drabbles Ice wrote:

Title:Lon Cheny, Jr.
Summary: Set before What Happened A Dozen Years Later. Ice contemplates what she left behind.

When her son played, she was reminded painfully of him. John was interested in classic horror movies, a habit that he’d gotten from her. The Wolfman was his favorite.

So there he’d be, wearing an oversized flannel shirt and growling, his hair mussed and tiny teeth bared. Looking for all the world like a miniature of the man she’d left behind. A man whose world she didn’t fit in.

A man she still loved.

So there she sat, playing with her toddler son, thinking of the past and what she had instead. John growled again, flashing his new baby teeth.

Title: Leaving the Nest
Notes: I was wondering about that contract we had Ice and Yez sign, stating that they'd never grow old. It didn't touch the kids' age though. So how would a permanently 32 year old mom and an ageless dad deal with their last child leaving the nest?

Their children were grown. The youngest had finally moved off on her own. The oldest was married with children of his own. The mansion seemed cavernous without the sound of baby laughter, teenage music, whispered hopes and fears and dreams from soon to be graduates. Too quiet.

Her husband put an arm around her as they saw their youngest off. She put her head on his shoulder, tears wetting his shirt.

“They’re all gone,” she whispered.

“They had to, one day or another,” he replied.

“What now?”

A wolfish grin from him. “We make love on the living room rug.”

Title: Unexpected Surprises
Notes: Just one of those cutesy baby things. I'm in a mood. *g*

“I hate you,” she said through gritted teeth.

“I know.”

“I’m never letting you touch me again as long as you live.”

“Yes, darlin‘. You’re doing beautifully.” Logan winced as she squeezed his hand harder.

“Are you sure you don’t want…” Beast asked from her other side.

“What I want for you is to give that man a vasectomy. I’m never going through this again, ever!”

“Won’t work, baby. It’ll heal.” He nodded to Henry and visibly relaxed as the painkiller went through his wife’s system. She stopped crushing his hand.

“It’s a girl!” Henry declared. A pause.

“No, wait…twins!”
