The Final Episode and the Reunion Show

CBS Production

"Burn baby burn! - Burn that mother down"
I was really pushing for Cirie in the fire making challenges so her loss/exit relatively early in this final episode did serve to dampen my enthusiasm for the rest of the episode. However, Aras made for an ideal secondary contestant to hang my hopes upon and so I can’t say I’m overly disappointed by the final result. I mean once Danielle managed to win that final immunity you knew that who ever she took with her was going to win the million dollars, as the personality makeup of the jury made it pretty easy to figure out that Danielle was largely viewed as a person who crack the final four simply because she wasn’t viewed as a threat, and unlike previous players who played this strategy she would be entering the final two with a player with the last surviving member of La Mina who would’ve won the respect of the jury with his consecutive wins, or with a fellow member of the Casaya alliance who was far more popular. With this in mind Danielle’s final choice was more a damned if you do damned if you don’t choice, and here’s hoping that future contestants who decide to employ the ever popular fly under everyone notice strategy realize that they also have to at least make some effort to form relationships with the people sitting on the jury. Instead it became increasingly clear that to most members of the tribe Danielle was simply viewed as a place holder.

"The bigger they are, the harder they fall"
Now I’m sure there will be fans of Terry who will cry foul that the final immunity challenge was such that it ensured he wouldn’t be the last man standing, as Danielle was far smaller than Terry so she would have a far easier time of keeping her balance. However, the simple fact of the matter is that if you find yourself in a challenge where you doubt you’ll be able to win, than you start deal making and trying ensure that when you do fall you make it look like it was by choice. I mean Aras was looking pretty shaky on that final platform, so he smartly turned to Danielle and basically he managed to get a nod of the head that he could cash in at a later date. I mean it’s not much and Aras would probably argue that his jumping off was a strategic move, but it was pretty clear that Danielle was going to win this challenge, and Terry simply didn’t play his final hand. In fact his game was full of missed opportunities, as it was also all too clear that Danielle resented the fact that Terry didn’t give her the hidden immunity idol, and when he realized that Danielle was wavering on her promise to him, and she made it clear that not moving to protect her with his hidden immunity idol was bugging her he didn’t even attempt to explain himself. In other words Terry’s biggest failure is that he created the sense that he didn’t trust her to linger, and Aras successfully guilt her into holding true to his alliance.

"I’d like to teach the world to sing"
Now the preview ads for this episode made a big deal about how it featured a nail-biter challenge, and I have to say that while the challenge in question was for a reward that didn’t make much of a lasting impact of the final immunity challenge the simple fact of the matter is that it was a pretty exciting back and forth contest between Aras & Terry where Aras managed to secure a very slim lead in the final moments, but than lost this lead when he presumably panicked and Terry kept his head. However, on the final immunity challenge it was obvious right from the first platform that Terry was the most unsteady while Danielle was having an easier time of it. This robbed the final challenge of a great deal of it’s drama, though I have to confess I rather enjoyed the moment where Terry fell in the water. In fact the only real moment of doubt in this challenge would be the moment where Aras jumped in the water, as I found myself openly wondering why he trusted her to keep her word. As for the final tribal council the only real surprise in that the only member of the jury who really displayed any venom was Shane, and this robbed this questioning session of a great deal of it’s entertainment value. Still, Aras and Danielle both acquitted themselves well as they answered the largely soft questions that were lobbed their way, and Aras managed to deliver the best final speech.

"Welcome back to that same old place that you laughed about."
As for the reunion show this was a bit of a love fest as most of the players were falling over themselves to talk about how happy they were to take part in this season of Survivor, and Jeff was guilty of milking these glowing praises for all they were worth. Still this season’s cast was made up of a solid mix of personalities, and several of the more engaging players managed to make me smile, from the glowing tribute to Cirie (who also managed to win herself a new car thanks to viewer votes), to the very funny montage of Shane’s crazy guy moments, and his responses to Jeff’s follow-up questions only reinforced my perception that he was a nice guy posing as a villain. I do have to say that this season the final vote carried over into the reunion show time slot, and this managed to play into my pet peeve about networks that carry their shows past the top of the hour, so they can discourage viewers from changing the channel. Still what can you do, as it’s clearly a successful marketing ploy that hasn’t produced the backlash needed to get them to stop doing it. As for the sneak peek at the next season of Survivor, it would appear that the rumour about the next season being another All-Star season isn’t true as Jeff’s narration clearly states that it’ll feature all new contestants. I have to say I’m not exactly jump for joy about the return of Exile Island either as it was a rather humdrum addition to this season’s game that added very little in the way of excitement. Still, I’ll be back this fall for another dose of Survivor.

3.5 out of 5 Stars


Episode Thirteen

CBS Production

"By the skin o' my teeth"
You know you’re fully invested in the dramatics of an episode when you’re actively annoyed when a "to be continued" card flashes up on the screen, but since the opening moments of previous Survivor season finals have always lacked a sense of drama I welcome this cliffhanger, as I know have a very good reason to pay attention after they finish the extra long "previously on" recap. Now the simple fact of the matter is that this fire starting challenge is going to have a huge impact on the game as one would think that Terry would’ve figured out that taking Danielle into the final two is his only shot at taking home the million on a jury that will be made up of five Casaya members, so if Danielle wins she’s got herself a seat in the final two, as I can’t see Aras passing over the opportunity to keep Terry out of the final two given the opportunity. The same rule holds true if Cirie wins as Aras has made it pretty clear he’s trying to play a clean game so I can’t see him endangering this image by taking Terry over her, and Terry has made it pretty clear that he’s not a card carrying member of Aras’ fan club so bringing Cirie into the final two would probably be his preferred opinion. In any event the only way I can see Terry winning the million is if Danielle is sitting beside him in the final two and even than it’s far from being a lock. In fact the outcome of this fire starting challenge will probably determine who wins the million dollar prize so making viewers wait for the outcome was a very clever move by the producers.

"Oh Lord it's hard to be humble"
While Terry certainly has put on an impressive show with his string of individual immunity wins he has done a very poor job of playing the other far more critical aspect of the game, as whenever a player makes the statement that they didn’t come to the island to make friends than you know they have completely missed the boat on one of the most important elements of the game of Survivor. I mean when the jury who decides the final outcome of the game is made up of people who were equally anxious to win that million dollars you had best hope that you have friends on that jury and the way Terry’s played the game he’s been completely clueless that he’s making it all too easy to cast a vote for the other person no matter who it may be. Now if he makes the final two he could try and argue that he deserves the million dollars as he played the entire second half with a bullseye on his back but the survival of the fittest argument simply doesn’t wash in the game of Survivor. Cirie and Aras on the other hand have both done a masterful job of deflecting the blame away from themselves in spite of playing a role in the ousting of a couple of their tribe-mates, as they’ve handily deflected the blame Danielle’s way as Courtney couldn’t be more obvious about her delight when she saw Danielle’s name turn up at this episodes vote. Than again Danielle didn’t exactly help her case by agreeing to take part in a game turning alliance with Courtney, only to back out when Cirie convinced her it was a dumb move.

"Fightin' fire with fire"
This episode also features a welcome change as Terry not only loses the reward challenge but he also faile to secure the most important individual immunity challenge of the game thus far, as Aras wins them both. Now on the first loss Terry tries to take Jeff to task for not properly explaining the rules of the game, but simple logic states that if Jeff doesn’t say you can’t do something during a challenge than it’s allowed, and crying foul after the fact only makes you look like a sore loser, so I couldn’t help but smile when Aras jumped at the opportunity to point this out. As for the immunity challenge it was a nice white knuckle affair as while Aras managed to build up a pretty good lead as he tackled the final puzzle, Terry’s certainly made it a contest, and in my books this makes for great television. Than we arrive at the tribal council and I pretty much knew right from the outset that Terry hadn’t given Danielle the hidden immunity idol so in essence the only role it played in the game was to get Terry past this vote. Still this vote did have itself considerable drama as I’ve made no bones about the fact that I want Cirie in the final two, and as such having her taking part in a tie breaker challenge can’t help but have my undivided attention. In fact I almost wish the previews for the next episode hadn’t shown Cirie with the bigger fire, as we know these teasers love to jerk our chains. Still my fingers are crossed, and it would make for a lovely way to get Circe into the final three.

4 out of 5 Stars


Episode Twelve

CBS Production

"I'll do anything I can ... the wrong way"
When it was revealed that Shane was the one voted off by the tribe I found myself thinking that it was a bit of a mistake on Circe’s part, as when Shane was laying out his strategy he made it pretty clear that Danielle and Aras were in his sights before Circe, and by openly lying to Shane, Circe pretty much robbed herself of his vote and since she was responsible for Courtney’s removal in the previous week she had now lost two vote on a seven member jury. However, truth be told from a strategic standpoint Circe is probably better served by a final four that doesn’t include Shane, as he was a little too vocal about his plan to enter the final two with a player he considered to be jury bait, and Circe is smart enough to realize that if is was left up to Shane to decide who to bring into the final two it would not be her. Now of course one could argue that Shane’s performances in challenges has been so pitiful that he would never be in the position to decide who he wants sitting beside him. However, it was pretty clear in this episode that Terry was looking at Shane as a possible final two choice that he felt he could beat, and since Terry is likely going to hold a great deal of sway over the outcome of the next vote it’s always a wise move to remove his preferred choice from the table.

"Your abuse of my trust, has provoked my hate"
However in the final four Circe now has herself a bit of a problem as Danielle now makes for the ideal person for Terry to have sitting beside him, as both Aras and Circe would have the million dollar prize locked up if they were sitting beside him in the final two, but lazy Danielle would be seen as being carried into the final two, and her former tribe mates would likely give Terry the prize before rewarding her. In fact if Circe was looking for a guaranteed spot in the final two she would try to send Danielle home next as the rivalry between Terry and Aras looks to be reaching a point where they would refuse to bring the other into the final two if they placed in the position of choosing who they want beside them, and this ensures Circe’s position. However the trick than becomes tricking Danielle into voting for Circe, as we know Terry will be gunning for Aras, while Circe and Aras would use their two votes against Danielle, and thus ensuring the outcome that would best suit Circe. Than again pushing for a tie vote between Danielle and Aras might not be a bad move either for Circe, as Aras could probably beat Danielle in a tie breaker challenge. In any event while I realize that my reviews have become focused almost entirely upon Circe the simple truth of the matter is she is easily one of the more engaging players to emerge from this season’s batch of contestants and I’m eager to see her make the final two, as I imagine she would do a masterful job of explaining her actions.

"Captain America what do you see"
Still in the interest of actually offering up a proper review, I guess I could comment on the reward and immunity challenges, with the former being a massive obstacle course that involved a number of previous challenges, but it was pretty easy to figure out the order in which the players would fall out of this race, and truth be told this was a reward that I’m not really sure I’d want to win, as it’s one that invites all manner of animosity from the people in your tribe. In any event Terry’s victories have become a bit easy to see coming, and while I was pushing for Aras as I’ll always cheer for the underdog, Terry has pretty much established he’s the he-man of this season. Now he’s had a bit of an easy road as Casaya took steps rather early on to eliminate members of their tribe that could posed a physical threat (e.g. Bobby), but I have to give him full marks for winning five immunity challenges in a row. Now this immunity challenge was a little more of an open field, as Terry didn’t power his way past this challenge, but rather he was the first to figure out the best method of pouring, and thus he gave him a bit of a jump over the others. However, if he wants a shot at the million he really needs to stop rubbing his victories in the faces of the people that he’s beating, as while he may feel in control of the game right now, in the end sour grapes will make jury members extremely reluctant to give him their vote.

3 out of 5 Stars


Episode Eleven

CBS Production

"Cause you know, I’m just playing my game"
Ever since the first episode where she engineered the votes against the strongest member of the older woman’s tribe, I told myself that Circe was a player that I should keep my eye on, and the move that she pulls off in this episode is a masterful stroke that firmly establishes her as this season’s mastermind. Plus in a season that hasn’t really offer up much in the way of double crosses and blind sided exits it’s great to see one of the remaining players starting to play the game the way it should be played. In fact it’s well worth noting that of all the remaining players Circe seems to be the only one with a working knowledge of how this game is supposed to work, and she’s done a fabulous job of recognizing which way the game was turning and nudging it back in the right direction. I mean she’s quick to spot that while the current set up had her making it to the final four she also wisely recognized that she would be the first to be voted off, and as such she made a move to change the make up of the final four. What’s more while she may have burned a bridge with Courtney and lost her vote on the jury, the simple fact of the matter is that if Courtney was still in play in the final four, Circe’s chances of making the final two would be non-existent. As it stands now I can easily see her convincing Shane and Aras to boot off Danielle next, and she’ll enter the final four with a much more stable alliance.

"Making all his nowhere plans for nobody"
I also have to give Circe credit for taking stock of who was going to vote for whom, and than pulling over enough votes to swing the game in the direction she wanted it to go. Now I’m sure Shane will be annoyed that he wasn’t brought up to speed on her plan, but Circe has also proven to be very good when it comes to riding out the storm that is Shane, and I can’t see much developing from this. She’s also managed to come up with a strategy that takes into account the fact that Terry looks to be a lock for the final four, and while it’s entirely possible that he could ride his immunity win streak right into the final two, Circe made a move that robbed him of a invaluable ally, and pretty much rendered him a passenger of this train. Plus given his hidden immunity idol does have an expiry date, Circe has managed to render it a non-factor in the game. It’s also worth noting that by saving Aras she’s kept alive the one player who might be able to beat him in a physical challenge, and earned herself an invaluable ally who won’t be voting against her anytime soon. In fact Circe has done a lovely job of keeping herself alive in the game, while remaining on the good side of everyone she deals with, as her name is never mentioned when players are discussing who to vote off, and she enters the final five with two allies (Aras and Shane) who would never vote against her.

"Baby I am hanging by a thread"
Now that I’m used up the first two columns expressing my love for the way that Circe played the game, I really should use this last one to discuss the rest of the episode. Now the reward challenge was a terribly one sided affair, as you knew Circe, Shane and Aras had lost this challenge before it even started, though the second reward challenge was noteworthy as Terry apparently doesn’t believe in the power of the Survivor car curse. We also get a bit of comedy back at camp, as Circe manages to catch a fish and it’s actually nice to see someone out fishing who actually knows what they’re doing, plus her reaction after she catches it had me smiling. As for the immunity challenge, it was a fairly intense endurance challenge which had the players holding on to ropes as the weight pulling on these ropes was steadily increased, and while Shane turned in a sad performance, the order that the players fell out of the contest was pretty easy to see, with Terry’s victory being rather predictable, though the preview ads tried their best to suggest otherwise. The tribal council also had a little bit of drama to it, as Danielle’s vote was still up in the air, and truth be told I’m not quite sure she made the right choice to advance herself forward in the game, but I really don’t want her to crack the final four so I’m happy she made the choice she did.

4 out of 5 Stars


Episode Ten

CBS Production

"Put the lime in the coconut, and call me in the morning."
Note to self, if I ever find myself trapped on a desert island and I’m offered a pig out meal of cheese burgers, I should turn down the offer, as Bruce clearly paid the price for this sudden feast in the midst of the famine that is part and parcel in the game of Survivor. Now I guess one could point out that none of the others encountered similar difficulties but these types of health problems tend to surface later in life so Circe, Shane, Danielle and Courtney should probably be thanking their more youthful digestive systems for sparing them a similar fate. In any event it’s a pretty crummy way of getting knocked out of the game, and the only real comfort that Bruce can take is that this episode’s challenge made it fairly clear that he was near the bottom of the pecking order, so chances were pretty good that he wouldn’t have made it past the next tribal council. In fact I’m guessing he was lined up to be the sacrificial lamb that is would’ve been offered up to remove Terry’s hidden immunity idol from the table. In any event I’m glad he got the medical attention he needed as it could’ve easily become a medical crisis that could’ve endangered his life, and I hope to see him at the next tribal council.

"Born annoying"
This episode also offers up the challenge that I had anticipated would be the one that would wrestle the immunity necklace away from Terry, as the remaining contestants took part in a secret survey, and after they were called upon to guess who had gained the most votes in a number of less than flattering categories, such as the most annoying member, the laziest, and my personal favourite who never shuts up. Needless to say Courtney is less than impressed when she ends up being the correct answer on pretty much every one of these questions. This challenge also allowed tribe members who guessed correctly to chop the rope of another player, and when all three of their ropes were cut that player had to take a seat. Now as is the case with these challenges a clear pecking order is established, and much to the annoyance of Shane he discovers Circe has a secret alliance with Aras. Still if past seasons are any indication this contest should serve to ruffle some feathers, and inspire some of the players who discovered they are not going to be cracking the final four to start forging new alliances. In fact the only real difference with this season is that they’ve already reached the point where the alliance needed to start feasting on itself, so one would already expect that smaller alliances would start to form. In fact I’ve been a little surprised that this process hadn’t already started.

"When enemies can number more than friends"
Now with no tribal council this week thanks to Bruce’s removal from the game via a medical emergency, the editors had a little more time to devote to the player’s various strategies, as Shane is on a bit of a tear in this episode as he comes to believe that he’s not part of a new alliance that has formed between Aras, Circe and Danielle. Now while it does look like he’s placated in the latter part of the episode, I wouldn’t be surprised to see this new alliance of three actually stick together, and take out Courtney and Shane, as Danielle would be the ideal person to take into the final two. However if this new alliance has been formed than Circe made a huge mistake revealing it’s existence while Shane still had the numbers to turn the game to his advantage. However, Circe promised Shane that she wouldn’t screw him over, using the lives of her children as collateral, and she managed to secure a similar promise from Shane, so she had best think long and hard if she plans on backing away from this promise. There’s also a nice little moment as we see Shane confesses that his alliance with Courtney is a bit self-serving as he come to realize that Courtney is the ideal person to bring with you into the final two. However, Shane needs to stop with his temper tantrums even if they are largely an act, as in order to make it into a position where he can bring her into the final two he needs to make himself a less desirable target.

3 out of 5 Stars


Episode Nine

CBS Production

"If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman"
Given they are made up of a rather unlikely combination of personalities I have to say I’m genuinely surprised to see the Casayan alliance has held together long enough to pretty much eliminate the entire La Mina tribe (with the notable exception of Terry). I mean perhaps it’s simply a lack of ambition among the Casayan members as they seem perfectly comfortable remaining true to their alliance. Now while Courtney continues to make noise that she’s going to do something that’ll drastically impact the game, and Shane promises in the preview for next week that he’s going to make a move, the simple fact of the matter is that when it comes to the tribal council none of them have wavered from the alliance of six. However I suspect their loyalty owes more to the fact that La Mina attempts to pull one or more of them over have been pretty pitiful, and in this episode Terry further alienate potential allies with his claim that he’s going to win the game by winning every immunity challenge left in the game, which is probably next to impossible, as this season has yet to offer up the plate smashing challenge, where every member of the Casaya will be gunning for Terry’s plates. In any event in spite of all his bravado I’d be surprised to see Terry make the final four let alone ride into the final two by winning immunities.

"Don’t stop, thinking about tomorrow"
On the other side of the fence in spite of all his disastrous game play in the early episode where he was asking to be voted off, and begging to be released from his alliance Shane has proven to be a surprisingly effective leader of the alliance of six. Now one could argue that he’s not in control of the Casayan alliance, but he’s the one who pulls them all together to discuss who they’ll be voting off, and while they don’t always vote the way he wants them to, one can’t deny the success rate of his I don’t care who we vote for as long as it’s one of them mentality. Plus, he’s also doing a pretty effective job of building bridges with the members of his alliance, as in the early going his name was always mentioned as a person they’re looking to vote off, and now his name never seems to get a mention. Plus, it always helps when you’re able to make the others laugh, and Circe clearly has developed a genuine fondness toward Shane’s child trapped in an adult boy persona, and his comments about over-performing at the immunity challenge didn’t earn him too much ill-will. In fact the biggest blow that Terry could’ve made to the Casayan alliance would been to play his hidden immunity idol and made Shane the target, as he’s the glue that is holding it together.

"And another one gone, and another one gone"
It’s been pretty clear right from the outset that Terry’s wasn’t going to be giving up his hidden immunity idol to protect any one but himself, as while he’s offered it up as bait a couple times in an effort to lure a Casayan member over to his side, obviously his sales pitch has been lacking, as it hasn’t proven to be the temptation one would expect it to be. Plus, for all his confidence about his ability to win the immunity challenges, and the fact that he’s won three in a row, I can’t help but get the sense that he knows the hidden immunity idol makes one heck of a safety net, which would suggest that there is a level of insecurity lurking just below the surface. In any event Sally’s exit was a forgone conclusion once she didn’t win immunity, and if he didn’t play it at the previous two votes where it’s impact would’ve been even more dramatic you could be pretty sure that it wouldn’t be in play in this episode. In any event based on the preview for next week’s episode Terry and the others might earn themselves a free pass as Bruce looks to suffer the big medical emergency that’s been hovering over this series for the past few episodes. I do hope whatever takes Bruce down isn’t too serious though, as he seems like a genuinely nice guy.

3 out of 5 Stars


Episode Eight

CBS Production

"Give up resisting one by one"
This episode had the potential of being the point where the game completely shifted, as the three remaining La Mina members spent a good chunk of the episode trying to pull over two members of the alliance of six and grab control of the game. However, the biggest problem with their efforts is that they decided to trust the information that Shane provided about which members of the final six wouldn’t be part of the final four, and Shane steered Terry toward the two members who clearly felt comfortable in the alliance. In any event I’ll go more into this in the next paragraph, as I wanted to use this section to thank the producers of this episode for providing a big laugh aloud moment thanks to the fact that the breakfast in bed reward was so literal in it’s presentation, as the people that won the reward found themselves sitting on a rain soaked bed in the middle of a beach. The editors have also wisely figured out that the most entertaining camera confessionals moments come from Cirie who can’t help but make you smile as she offers up her thoughts on the food stories that come back to camp. However, the biggest laugh of the episode comes once again from Shane who offers up the perfect response when they were discussing the problem of having too much bacon to eat.

"Won’t someone throw me a bone"
Someone really needs to sit down with Terry and let him know that when you’re making an offer to potentially draw a player out of an alliance of six, you have to offer up something a little more tempting than a guaranteed spot in the top five, as the second you make this offer you’re telling the person that they’ll be the first person kicked off the boat once they’re down to five. Now he did a little better job with the offer he made to Danielle, as he offered up his hidden immunity idol as bait but given she didn’t bite he made a pretty sizeable error in letting her know that he had it as it’s no longer an uncertain element, and after this week’s tribal council he made it pretty clear that he’s not willing to sacrifice his idol in order to protect a member of his alliance, so all the alliance of six has to do is wait until it’s down to Terry and than use the idol backlash to take out the first member of the six that they were going to eject anyway by splitting their votes 4 against Terry, and 2 against the first of the six to get the boot, though it might be a little difficult to get the member of the alliance about to take the hit to take part in this play. Plus the members of the alliance of six really need to step up to the plate an keep Terry from winning immunity necklace, or he can simply ride his immunity wins into the final three.

"You know we gotta stick together"
While the editors thought they were playing a fun little trick of the viewers by showing the start of Bruce’s vote, I have to say all it really managed to do was tip me off that the alliance of six had decided to target Austin, as Bruce’s response during the questioning session made it pretty clear he hadn’t decided to flip. In fact the only real question that was left on the table was whether Terry decided to give Austin the hidden immunity idol, and make an attempt at grabbing control of the game. However, this was also telegraphed before the final vote was offered up as Austin’s face was remarkably easy to read, and it was all too clear that he didn’t have the protection of the hidden immunity idol, though he certainly did a good job of making the alliance of six nervous when he delayed picking up his bag. Now it is curious that the alliance of six decided to vote off Austin rather than Sally, and Courney could be trying to fashion an all female alliance that would pull Sally, but if I was Sally I’d be trying my heart out to win the next immunity challenge.

3.5 out of 5 Stars


Episode Seven

CBS Production

"I'd take you one chipped tooth at a time"
While the contestant holding up his burned hands still stands up as one of the most painful looking moments that Survivor has ever caught on film, this episode does offer up a wince inducing moment, as Bruce accidentally catches the business end of the machete in his mouth, though equal parts luck, and the simple fact that the daily use of the machete has probably left it extremely dull made the injury less severe than it could’ve been. Still, this episode does bring forward a rather interesting question about how does the game deal with injury that wouldn’t take the player out of the game, as if Bruce had needed to leave camp to get stitched up would he have been let back in the game? I guess the medical emergency that is seemingly looming on the horizon might answer this question, or if I was of the mind to I probably could find the official rules of Survivor online, which probably address this very question. In any event it was a dramatic moment that brought some excitement to what had been a rather uneventful merge. One also has to give Bruce full marks for how well he handled the injury, as he does look to have an extreme high pain tolerance.

"Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives and I decline."
As I mentioned in the above paragraph this episode offers up the two tribes merging, as right from the word go it’s painfully obvious that the six members of Casaya are fully aware that they have the numbers advantage over the four La Mina arrivals, and while Terry makes an effort to form a new alliance he doesn’t make any real headway because he doesn’t offer them anything of value. I mean if you’re looking to pull a player out of an alliance of six you have to offer them something more than a promise that you’ll be on the bottom rung of the alliance of six. I mean Terry and the other members of La Mina can make noise about how Casaya is gloating over their power position, but it’s part of the game, and the best way to combat it is to actually make smart moves. I mean Terry knew that Nick’s head was on the chopping block so the smart play would’ve been to secretly give Nick the hidden immunity idol, and than let the Casaya blunder their way into an encounter with this little land mine. Now, I understand why Terry would be reluctant to give up this advantage so early in the game, but a bold move was required to put a dent in the Casaya armor, and Terry missed a golden opportunity to chop off the head of the Casaya alliance and possibly grab control of the game.

"Just take your place in the driver's seat"
Speaking of not so bright moves I have to ask what the heck was Austin thinking when he decided to admit at tribal council that he didn’t perform as well as he could’ve during the immunity challenge. I mean I was prepared to give the guy full credit for making the smart move at the challenge by presenting himself as a non-threat thus moving the target off his back, but I guess his frail male ego overpowered his common sense when he got to the tribal council, as you could practically see any edge that he might’ve gained instantly vanish when he offered up this information, and what’s worse he did it before the vote. Now perhaps he was hoping his admission would pull some Casaya votes away from Nick and this would allow the four La Mina votes to be enough, but it clearly didn’t work, and he’s essentially painted a big target on his back. It is worth noting that Shane is probably thankful that Austin is such a big goof, as he mentioned that he didn’t trust Austin when Casaya was discussing who they should kick off, and Austin offered up ample proof that Shane was dead on the money. In fact the only La Mina player who looks to be sitting pretty is Sally who I can easily see becoming part of an all woman alliance with the Casaya women when the numbers get down to seven.

3 out of 5 Stars


The Clip Episode

CBS Production

"Memories are bittersweet, the good times we can’t repeat"
I wasn’t really sure if I could either be bothered to write up a review of this episode, as this episode was more about recapping the series so far, and at least a good 60% of the episode is simply a replaying of clips. However, the new material was nicely interspersed over the span of this hour as just when I was getting bored of the play-by-play of the previous six episodes, along came a new scene to grab my attention, and I have to say most of these new scenes were pretty entertaining, from a laugh aloud exchange involving Bobby and Danielle that centres around the proper way to place kindling on the fire, to an equally amusing bit involving the establishing a bar of soap for the girls, as the girls find men in their tribe gross. We also get an interesting little exchange that nicely explains why Austin suddenly became Sally’s champion, and there’s also a couple scenes that serves to make Shane into more than the crazed lunatic he’s been presented as in the regular episodes, as we get an extended scene where we see Shane figures out that he’s missing his son’s thirteenth birthday. There’s also a couple funny food gathering scenes, as we join the young girl tribe on the opening day as they try and open a coconut, and in what has to be one of the funniest hunter stalking his prey moments that Survivor has ever offered up, we see Aras kills a snake. There’s also a couple moments where I did find myself wondering why Bruce is still in the game, as he doesn’t seem to grasp the idea that there are certain things you don’t do in the game of Survivor, such as washing your hands with the tribe’s drinking water, when there’s a downpour taking place outside that could do just as good a job cleaning your hands. In any event if there is one thing that this clip show showed me it’s that Casaya is far and away the more interesting tribe, as the vast majority of the clips come from their rather disharmonious camp, while the only La Mina clip that I can really recall from this episode was the conversation between Austen and Sally, which truth be told really should’ve been in the original episode.

2.5 out of 5 Stars


Episode Six

CBS Production

"This one's for those who are crazy!"
First off I have to give a tip of the hat to the Survivor producers for not playing the hand I expected them to as we’re at the point of the game where Jeff tells the tribes to toss down their buffs, and prepare to play the mix the tribes up game, but now I’m thinking if they don’t do it in this episode chances are pretty good that they won’t do it at all, and this puts a new spin on the game. Of course I can still pat myself on the back for the prediction that it was far too early in the game to be forming alliances, as the Casaya alliance crumbles apart in this episode, and the La Mina tribe is forced to vote out a member of their own alliance, when their preferred target is given immunity by the victorious Casaya. Now I have to say for all the conflict and strife he generates among the members of his tribe I find myself actually starting to push for Shane’s success as he’s playing the game in a manner that runs completely counter intuitive (e.g. begging to be voted off, asking to be let out of his alliance) and yet he’s not only still in the game, but he seems to be able to rebuild the bridges he burns with surprising ease. If nothing else he’s a wild card element in a game that has gotten a little too comfortable how it’s players win the million dollar prize, and right now it’s looking pretty good that he’ll at least make it to the merge unless of course he’s the contestant who ends up needing medical assistance in the preview for the next episode.

"Like a snake I've been eating my tail"
While he looks like one of the strongest players left playing the game Terry made a big mistake in this episode in joining the young men in voting out Dan. I mean after this vote we start to emerge into territory where the tribes will merge, and of the remaining members of his tribe Dan was the only member that Terry could’ve counted on not to vote against him, and while this might not seem like much at this point of the game, it was still a bad move on his part. I mean the two verses two tie vote shouldn’t have been enough to discourage Terry, as if it came down to picking rocks he had the protection of his secret immunity idol, and if it came down to a challenge between the two players whose names had been written down than he could simply use the defence that he had given Dan his word, and if Dan lost than he would still come across as a player who remains true to his word even when it is difficult to do so, and this is an invaluable reputation to have in the game of Survivor. As it stands now he’s made it clear to the younger men that he can be controlled, and unless his tribe start winning some of these challenges, than his secret immunity idol is going to be needed in pretty short order. Plus, if he thinks the young men are going to keep their word than he’s never watched this series, as the minute the tribes merge those two will quickly realize that Terry is a threat at the immunity challenges.

"Calling out to the astronaut"
I will give Dan full marks for making what has to be one of the more graceful exits that this series has ever offered up, and while this doesn’t add up to much within the confines of the series, it’s still nice to see that the nature of this game doesn’t completely erase the more admirable qualities of a person. I mean the scene where Terry makes it clear to Dan that he’s going to vote against him I have to confess I was fully prepared for Dan to remind Terry that they made a promise not to turn on each other, but instead Dan actually gives Terry an undeserved free pass to write his name down. Now perhaps he was trying to guilt Terry into keeping his word by presenting himself as such an honest soul, but I’d feel pretty safe putting my money on the fact that Dan simply decided to let Terry do what he wanted to do free of any sense of guilt. His comments at tribal council made it pretty clear that he was disappointed that Terry wasn’t going to push for a tie, and give him a fighting chance to remain in the game but he didn’t overplay the guilt card, and in the end Dan emerged out the other side of this game as one of the nicest people to ever play Survivor. Of course one could also point out that this episode makes it all too clear that being a nice guy and true to your word doesn’t really get one very far in the game of Survivor.

3.5 out of 5 Stars


Episode Five

CBS Production

"I’ve got my pride, I drink my wine"
This season of Survivor does seem to feature a number of player who don’t quite seem to grasp how this game has played out in the previous ten seasons, with Bobby being a prime example of this seemingly clueless player. I mean people jumped all over Cirie for her fear of leaves, but at least she looks to have a proper strategy when it comes to playing the game, as she’s laying low, and sticking fairly close to the members of the power alliance, so that not only is she on hand to spot the cracks in the alliance, but she’s also made herself available for members of the alliance who are looking for a way to grab control of the game. Bobby on the other hand seemed dead set on alienating himself from his tribe, and while strong performance at the challenges will carry you so far, selfish behaviour back at camp undercuts this advantage, and makes you an even bigger target as you close in on the merge. I mean it’s all well and good to say that the weaker players ganged up against you but it’s one of the dangers of the game if you a strong physical player, and a smart player will take steps to counter it. In the end Bobby’s lack of success in this game rests entirely at his own feet, as he made it very easy for the people looking to vote him off to sell the idea to the people sitting on the fence. Plus, any man should know you don’t steal wine from women, as it’s like the chocolate of the alcoholic beverages group.

"Now I'm drowning in the flood"
One does have to think that Mother Nature loves to mess with Survivor players, as Casaya was a little too jubilant about their victory at the reward challenge, so while Casaya was away from camp taking part in the challenge their camp was completely flooded out. Now I’m a little puzzled why they wouldn’t move their camp to higher ground based on the evidence that this little event offers up that their current location fills with water, but Casaya members haven’t exactly displayed an impressive work ethic away from the challenges, so I guess one shouldn’t be surprised that they’re more invested in whine and moaning about what happened than taking steps to see that it doesn’t happen again. This is also a tribe that decides it’s a good idea to consume the fish they won raw, rather than go out and gather some dry fire wood. I mean I’m been camping enough to know that starting a fire with wet wood is next to impossible, but all you need is enough wood to get the initial fire going, and pulling some of the trim off the outhouse would seem to be an ideal starting point. You also have reams of toilet paper to provide the initial starting source for the flame, and the outhouse trim would provide more that enough kindling to get a good fire going so that you could have a good fire going in no time in spite of the wet wood.

"The harder they come, the harder they fall"
Voting out Bobby might’ve been a silly move if the preview ads hadn’t made it look pretty obvious that next week will feature the tribe mix-up, and as such there’s now one less player on the board that can turn against the alliances that have been made. Now I’ve been saying right from the word go that it’s far too early in the game to be forming alliances, as the tribal mix-up will break apart these alliances, and the members players who were outside these alliances would be fools not to work at dismantling these alliances when they no longer had the security of numbers. Still, since Casaya’s alliance looks to be crumbling with a new one emerging from the ruins I’m thinking that the women of Casaya are going to emerge as the biggest benefactor of this upcoming mix-up as the men who believe themselves to be controlling their respective alliance are going to go after the top dogs, and with the merge on the horizon they’ll also be taking note of the players that look to be more difficult to beat when it comes to the immunity challenges, and in both cases the female power alliance that has formed at Casaya doesn’t look like they’ll be drawing many votes over the next two tribal councils before the tribes merge. Plus, one has to imagine it wouldn’t take much to draw Sally over from La Mina after the merge as she’s very much the fifth wheel on her tribe. Still, Courtney does draw unnecessary attention to herself, and this might derail a potential alliance before it can grab control of the game.

3 out of 5 Stars


Episode Four

CBS Production

"Disobedience to me, is disobedience to Him!"
While I still say it’s far too early in the game to be making alliances it would the first cracks in the La Mina power alliance appeared in this episode as we see Dan makes a promise to Ruth Marie to bring her into the alliance, and Terry decides that loyalty takes a back-seat to one’s performance at the challenges, and he’s able to swing the votes Ruth Marie’s way. Now speaking as a viewer who has seen every season of Survivor I have to agree with Dan that having a loyal member in one’s alliance is far better than a strong performer, especially when one reaches the merge, as it never hurts to be the strongest player left standing. Than again given we’re at the stage of the game where the team’s should be targeting the members of the tribe that don’t improve one’s chances at the challenges than it makes perfect sense that Ruth Marie ended up being the target, but truth be told if one is basing one’s vote on the poorest performance at the challenge than Dan was clearly the weak link, and given the immunity challenge had itself a nail-biter finish you can’t really cling to the argument that Ruth Marie who hurt your tribe in that challenge. Than again this was more a case of Sally proving her value to the tribe in challenges than Ruth Marie costing them the challenge.

"And so it was done... Joseph the betrayer was cast out."
Now at this point of the game it would appear that it’s Terry’s game to lose, as not only is he locked into an alliance of four, but this episode he also gets his hands on a very powerful hand that he can play when his back looks to be up against the wall, as he manages to find the hidden immunity idol on Exile Island. Now of course the question becomes will the producers let future visitors to Exile Island know that there is no longer an immunity idol to be found, or will they continue to provide clues in order to sell the illusion that it’s still in play. Now if the clues stop coming than Terry’s secret hand doesn’t make him untouchable, as you simply force his hand at a tribal council, and insure that the person with the second most votes isn’t part of your alliance, and than take him out at the next tribal council. Still, this does make for an extra hoop that one has to jump through if one wants to take out Terry, and in a game of ever shifting loyalties this is all a player needs to get their shot at the million dollar prize, as Danni managed to emerge as the winner of the previous season thanks to a well-timed immunity necklace. However, Terry had best hope that his strategy of taking out the weakest player pays off at the next immunity challenge, as he could find his alliance of four forced to turn in on itself if they lose the next two immunity challenges. Plus, as Dan pointed out five not four is the magic number when it comes to the merge, and if you believe Sally won’t jump ship given the opportunity to do so than you don’t know much about how this game is played.

"I am the word and the giver of his laws!"
Given I’ve already spent the first two columns discussing the La Mina tribe as well as the results of the tribal council, I’ll use this final bit to discuss Casaya as in spite of the fractured mix of conflicting personalities that had me convinced that this tribe was a train wreck waiting to happen, they proved in this episode that when it comes to the challenges they are just a little bit better when it comes to working together, and in this game narrow victories are just as good as blowing away the competition. I also have to say I’m rather enjoying the idea that this tribe is proving to be so successful at the challenges as it means that these people have to continue to interact with each other, and given this tribe is full of some downright strange people how can one not love that the fact that they’re stuck together. Even better is the fact that Shane decided to form a spur of the moment alliance, and as he spends more time with these people he’s quickly discovering that he absolutely despises some members of his alliance. However, given this alliance hasn’t really been tested, one has to imagine that that the relatively normal members of this alliance (Aras and Danielle) might decide to cut loose the more contentious members of this alliance (Shane and Courtney), and form a new alliance of four, or even better a group of five with the merge in mind. However, the tribe mix-up that tends to occur before the merge might throw all these plans out the window.

3.5 out of 5 Stars


Episode Three

CBS Production

"Life is a game. So fight for survival and see if you're worth it."
While the alliances in both tribes have successfully voted off they set their sites upon I have to state once again my underlying belief that it is far too early in the game to be locking oneself into a final four group, as if nothing else these players should be well aware of the fact that Survivor has a pattern of mixing up the two tribes before the merge, and chances are pretty good your alliance is going to split apart when this happens and the animosity that you’ve built up among the players that were outside your alliance will make you a very tempting target. Now it’s entirely possible that the producers won’t play this card, and these two groups of four might enter the merge intact, but until you hit the magic number of seven doesn’t do you any favours, and it becomes a case of who did a better job of keeping the swing votes on the outside of the alliance from jumping over to the other side and rendering your alliance completely useless no matter how rock solid it may appear. In fact while this may not look to be the case right now, in my mind the players outside the alliances are in a much better position in the game, as they have the opportunity to make a real impact on how the game plays out, while the others have foolishly locked themselves into a little box at a point of the game where there was no need to do so.

"You just have to fight for yourself. That's just life..."
Now this episode does offer up a pair of challenges that do a pretty nice job of playing up the tribal unity card, as while the reward challenge does offer up an element where an individual tribe member could put on a show (e.g. I’m pretty sure Terry jumped for every ball that was put in the air), it was also a challenge where the weaker players were able to make a real contribution. I’m also quite surprised how even these challenges have been, as I have to confess I had already written off Casaya as the tribe that was going to be at the losing end of most of the challenges, but even in the challenges that they don’t win, such as the reward challenge, they are able to put on a pretty good showing. Now the immunity challenge was a bit of a mess, as neither tribe seemed to have much of a strategy, but rather it quickly became simply a big mess of people tackling each other until one of the players happened to luck out and slip free of the tangle of limbs. Still it made for one of the more engaging challenges of the season, and there were some solid individual moments, such as Bobby’s clever move at the end of the challenge which served to steal a victory for his tribe. I mean you have to love any Survivor challenge where both tribes have such an equal chance of victory.

"I just didn't want to be a loser anymore."
This episode also looked to set up the format for which players will be sent to Exile Island, as it would appear that the tribe that wins the reward challenge will be able to pick which member of the losing tribe is sent to Exile Island, and if that’s the case than poor Bruce had best hope his tribe starts winning some of the reward challenges, as his tribe foolishly revealed he was the reason why they were in such good spirits. Still with an immunity idol hidden on the island, perhaps Bruce’s success in the game might hinge upon these continued visits to Exile Island. As for the tribal council I have to confess I was a little surprised that Misty was given the boot, as she didn’t seem to hurt her tribe at the immunity challenge in spite of Austin’s claims that she did, but I have to confess my fondness for the underdog left me rather pleased to see Ruth-Marie managed to survive this vote, and I have to say once again that while her chances might not look all that good right now, being the odd man out might work to her advantage as she hasn’t locked herself into any voting group. Still, I’m a little curious why Austin decided to hitch his wagon to Terry and Dan, when he could’ve kept his options open until the next vote.

3.5 out of 5 Stars


Episode Two

CBS Production

"I'm not into politics. I'm into survival."
While it’s far too early in the game for the players to be forming alliances as this game has a habit of mixing up the tribes before the tribes merge it’s interesting to see the players bringing this aspect of the game to the table so early, as if one was looking for some method of adding a level of animosity to what has traditionally been the feeling out stage of the game than it would be to actively encourage the formation of alliances. I mean it’s difficult not to notice that after the initial four tribes are brought together to form two tribes both groups can’t form their final four alliance quickly enough. Now if they expect these alliances to hold up than they clearly haven’t watched any of the previous seasons, as the only successful alliance of four to grab control of the game was on the first season, and that was because to other players didn’t recognize that there was an alliance in play until it was far too late to do anything about it. Still it’s nice to see the players playing the game at so early in the season even if I think it’s rather silly to be alienating members of your tribe when one is depending on them keep you from making a steady parade to the tribal council. Than again perhaps knowing your head may be on the chopping block at the next tribal council might inspire that extra effort that will allow your tribe to win.

"Don't touch that dial!"
Now looking at the two tribes it’s pretty clear that one of the tribes looks to be quite a bit more impressive from a physical standpoint, and I wouldn’t be all that surprised to see Casaya continue the losing ways that begin with this episode, as their second place performances took place before Shane and Aras unwisely decided to fracture the tribe by exposing their alliance. Now, Shane makes for a nice villain figure as he forms an alliance in a seemingly haphazard manner, and than proceeds to annoy the heck out of the members of his alliance by proving to be one of the most unreliable members of this alliance. In the end an alliance of four is of no use if there are only four members in your tribe. As for the other tribe, La Mina looks to have a bit more harmony, as while there are alliances being formed, they look to be of the smaller variety that can easily detach themselves from one alliance and hook up with another pair. I also have to say this episode makes it all too clear that the most dangerous player in the game right now is nice guy Nick, as he looks to be able to put the other players at ease, and he forms invaluable bonds with a couple members of his tribe, that could allow him to emerge as a real power player. The only concern that keeps me for putting my money on him to win the game as nice guys tend to lack the will to play the game mean, and there are moments in the game where this is a required aspect of one’s game.

"I don't do requests."
Now I have to give the producers credit for coming up with a couple pretty cool challenges for the players to take part in, and while the immunity challenge wasn’t even remotely close to being a contest, it was still a pretty entertaining show that clearly exposed the weaknesses in Casaya. I also have to say I was rather impressed by the sheer scale of the reward challenge course. Now as for the tribal council while Shane’s alliance of four seemed to stick together for this first vote it is worth noting that the faces of a couple members of this alliance clearly displayed their discomfort at being part of this group, and if Cirie is a smart player she’ll get together with the two other players on the outside of the alliance of four, and work at luring one of Shane’s soldiers into this new alliance, with their first target being Shane whose antics make him a very easy target. Now it is a little curious that Melinda was the first target over Circe, as to me Circe seems to be the greater liability at challenges, but I’m sure the reasoning for this choice was explained during one of those conversations that the editors leave on the cutting room floor as showing them might spoil to final outcome of the vote. It’s a bit of a shame though as Melinda seemed like a genuinely nice person.

3.5 out of 5 Stars


Episode One

CBS Production

"We're from out of town."
I have to give the producers credit for the way that they divided the tribes up in this opening episode as unlike previous seasons where I found myself struggling to put faces to names, and inevitably it takes me several episodes before I’ve picked out the players I’m going to be pulling for, by splitting the sixteen contestants into four groups, there was little danger of any player getting lost in the crowd of this opening episode. Now I have to confess the younger men and women kind of blend together, as unless they did something delightfully bizarre like Aras’ meditation circle, the only thing that really struck me about the younger tribes is their collective ineptitude when it comes to their survival skills. Now part of this could be due to that none of the younger players wants to step out of the crowd and take a leadership position, but I have to confess this lack of willingness to step out from the crowd made it harder to pick any favourites from the younger crop of players. Still, Misty gets the distinction of being the first player to be left on Exile Island, and she manages to come up with a somewhat gutsy bluff that could come back and bite her later in the game. I’ll also give Nick credit for offering up the funniest line of this opening episode as he offers up a very cute line of reasoning for why their shelter is so pitiful.

"Man, who do I look like, Christopher Columbo"
One the other side of the equation the pair of older tribes played host to the more engaging personalities, and while it’s still a little early in the game to be saying that these players will be my favourites for the rest of the game, I have to say the older tribes provided me with several likely picks. I mean while I realize that she’ll grate on the people at home I have to say I rather enjoy Cirie, as she’s pretty much the Survivor fan who was pulled off the couch, through the television screen and found herself taking part in a game that she has business playing, though I will concede that she somehow managed to pull her head off the chopping block by convincing the other members of her tribe to vote off their strongest player. I also have to say I’m always pulling for the underdog in this game and Cirie is a perfect candidate for this position with her fear of leaves. I also have to say I have to really feel for Shane who is coming off a three-pack a day smoking habit, and while he looks like a nice guy, it’s all too clear that he’s having the most difficult time in the early stages of the game, especially since next week’s preview makes it look like he’s blown apart by lightening from the heavens. There’s also something inherently cool about having an Asian player sporting the name Bruce.

"She breathed on me! A dead person breathed on me!"
As for the pair of challenges that this opening episode offers up, the show gets off to a fairly quick start as we see the four tribes take part in a race involving four players rushing to the other side of Exile Island, but this didn’t really expose any weaknesses in the tribes as finding the hidden medallion was more a matter of luck than skill. The more revealing challenge was the immunity challenge, as the younger women blazed through the challenge to make up for their last place performance in the reward challenge, while the younger men narrowly avoided a trip to the first tribal council when one of their members fail to grasp the concept of the clip that kept their raft attached to the ocean floor. One other note that I’d make about this immunity challenge would have to be that Dan the Astronaut has to be the whitest man in the entire world, and I’m already wincing at the painful sunburn that is sure to follow. As for the tribal council I have to give the older women full marks for offering up one of the most unexpected first ejection's that Survivor has ever offered up, as Lumberjane Tina’s early exit caught me completely offguard, though if I had to guess at the reason for her getting the votes it would have to be her comments about the lack of work she was seeing from other members in her tribe.

3.5 out of 5 Stars