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Cryptid Art

Below is cryptozoology-related artwork, ranging from dinosaurs to Nessie, and, of course, the beloved Chupacabra.

Real Cryptids

A much better rendition of the Jersey Devil **NEW**
The Jersey Devil

Dinosaur Art

Two troodons sitting near a creek **NEW**
Spinosaur **NEW**
Eoraptors **NEW**
A baby T-rex watching a fish swim in a stream (very cute)
Cadborosaurus, a.k.a. "Caddy"
A plesiosaur swimming underwater
A feathery velociraptor
Two velociraptors standing in the jungle (no feathers...only scales :)

Chupacabra Art

What I think a chupa really looks like
A chupa holding a bleeding goat corpse and growling at you to go away
A green chupa covered in blood

Other Animals in Nature

A Great White about to swallow a little goldfish (you can only admire the fish's last words...)
A realistic drawing of a green jungle snake (reference: photograph)
Two cartooney looking snakes wrapped around each other

Weird Stuff

A creepy-looking undead bat **NEW**
A red creature with blood all over it
A fairy sitting on a dandelion wish (I didn't know where else to put this)
A mer-creature looking out over the horizon from the sea
A water ghost standing in a pond

Cryptid Comics

When chupas lose their common sense

Homemade Hoaxes

Water Chupacabra Discovered??

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