Ted Danson, sometimes referred to as "Theodore Danson" in certain social orders, has made numerous people laugh for numerous reasons, on numerous sitcoms, for numerous years, numerously. His career decisions are so awesome, I wonder where he gets his strength?
"After Cheers was flogged like a dead horse, and eventually cancelled, I lost everything. I found myself ejaculating on strange women's back and strategically sticking my toupee on them.
"Then I grabbed Daddy's Talon. I'm not sure who Daddy is, or why he has a Talon, or why he wants me to grab it, but I do anyway. And I know that when I do grab it, I feel like a real man. I guess you could say that without the Talon, I am nothing.
"I would like to give a shoutout to everyone who ever made fun of me or said I would never make it, HA! I can do anything I want and suffer no repercussions, because I grab the Talon. Eat my crap nay-sayers, Daddy is here to stay!"