Here is a list of all of EVIL's current members. For those that do not yet have I.D. cards, please submit to me the following information:
Race: for most I should imagine it will be "human" or "unknown", though obvious exceptions apply (Demon_Dimitri is a vampire, and Keruri is a kitsune).
Powers: Feel free to come up with any cracked-out powers you want, so long as they are appropriate to your position. An assassin might be invisible, a big stupid muscley guy might be super strong, but a sultry temptress really shouldn't be hurling fireballs or anything, okay?
Special Skills: Same general idea as powers. List any non-super-powered abilities you might have, as long as they are in line with your position.
Note: These bios were written by the characters themselves. I did not proof read them or edit them in any way. Any spelling, gramatical, or punctuation errors are the fault of the writers themselves.
Dark Koala

The Supreme Overlord and founder of EVIL, Dark Koala is a mysterious and somewhat unstable man. Despite building EVIL by hand, he seems to be somewhat chatoic-minded and unpredictable. Though he claims to plan global domination, some suspect he has other goals...
Dark Koala does not speak much about his past, but openly admits to using his psionic powers to exploit others. Through this manipulation, the Supreme Overlord has amassed a fortune of several million--perhaps even a billion--dollars. He prefers to handle most problems with money, either by using expensive technology, employing others to do the work for him, or even outright bribery. He is not afraid to get his own hands dirty if necessary though, and has developed frightening combat applications of his psionic powers.
Ever watch Disney's Gargoyles? Think of David Zanatos, but psychic.

(No bio yet)
DK's Analysis: A surly young woman whom seems to enjoy getting my gaul. Still, she is a competant individual and serves me well as second in command. When I am not around, Saffyre is typically in charge.

Dimitri used to be a blacksmith back in the year 1792. He was turned when a 'customer' came in one night and asked for help. When Dimitri lead him into the back room, he was attacked. After that, he gained the nickname "Dimitri the Bloody". He, and a group of vampires that he made, ran thru the villages in Europe, killing anyone and everyone who got in their way...or just for fun. He then moved to the americas, stowed away on a cargo ship. He found that the humans here were an easier feed. He and his gang soon split up and went out to find themselves their own 'homes'. Dimitri fed on the young and elderly usually, sometimes catching a stupid buisnessman who wandered into a dark alley. Not to long after he and his gang split, Dimitri got bored. He went into a deep sleep for about 100 years, only to awaken to a brand new world. At the age of 210 he woke, roamed the streats, learning how to fit in. He fed to rejuvinate his strength and when he was back to his fit state, he went looking for the other members of his gang. He found the 'internet' and soon found out that his gang had all been killed. Then he ran into Guild EVIL.
DK's Analysis: It's always good to have a vampire on your side. These guys are practically indestructable, especially if the heroes don't know he's a vampire. As long as he stays away from wooden stakes and holy water and such, he will no doubt be a potent asset to EVIL.
aihato yugi

she grew up in the prescense of Merlin the Great, and learned everything he knew. (that's really alot since he's the greatest wizard ever.) she found out her history background when she aged 15. she found out that her parents where demons(..that explains her immortality and power..), and that merlin was lying to her from the beginning. he had told her that she had human parents who died in a accident. (poor yugi..) yugi than turns bad and aggressive and kills her teacher. he was of no longer use, since she already had learned everything in the magical world. now with her magical and demonic power this evil sorceress serves for the group known as E.V.I.L. under the control of Dark Koala they terrorize innocent people and kick the butts from stupid heroes. she uses her power for only bad thingies and has no problem in killing the good guys.hehe
now with new magical competition she trains to get better and more powrefull everyday. but once she has joined an organisation she will not turn her back to a single one of the group only as that person has betrayed her and her boss.
DK's Analysis: We've got several magic-users, but that doesn't make aihato_yugi any less usefull. I'm still a bit sore about her showing me up in the art section, though...

(No bio yet)
DK's Analysis: Such a cute little girl... which is exactly why the heroes will never see it coming! Bwa ha ha ha! Besides, with her army of undead, I don't have to hire as many henchmen. If I had a daughter, I would want her to be just like Raven_Babe.

(No bio yet)
DK's Analysis: What do you get when you mix a magic-user with an assassin? Laurefin_Narwen, that's what. Nobody has more sneaky tricks up their sleave than this chick... except me, of course.

(No bio yet)
DK's Analysis: There's not much to say about Korie except that she's completely and totally insane. And dangerous. At any rate, she certainly provides a significant intimidation factor when facing off against the heroes.

Kamet is the leader of a group of blood thirsty Ookami Youkais' she has trained all of her Ookamis' to kill, and or eat humans. Every since she was a pup she has dreamed of riding the world of happiness and heroes. When she was a pup she lived with her soon-to-be-mate, Kouga, his brother, Ryuu, and his sister, Ririshii, as her parents were killed in battle against the heroes, that is why she trained all her Ookamis' to kill, and or eat heroes. She now belongs to a group of evil do'ers and helps them to take over Gaia one post at a time, this group is called EVIL. So finally she can fullfill her life long dream of riding the world of 'good-do'ers'.
DK's Analysis: Don't let the pink fool you. This girl is vicious. When I want to make an example of someone, I send Kamet. I know I can count on her to make it bloody.

(no bio yet)
DK's Analysis: The only thing I like more than a hot redhead is a evil, powerful, bloodthirsty hot redhead. As a vampiric goddess, she's virtually unkillable.

Hundreds of years of hatred had taken their toll on this soul, but had left him, yet. He was one of the rarist undead.. A spirith. One who could die, yet come back again, and again, to pursue his dark fate..
Ever since the years in which he had suffered a curse by faeries, he had been a bitter, cruel man, living from one shard of existance to the next. Now, weary of his travels, and far, far from the times when he had suffered, he found himself on the doorstep of EVIL.
Though weapons had changed greatly since he had first existed, he still felt value in the ancient swords which he often used in battle against those that would be his executioner, or those that felt that humanity, as such, should be protected. Those heros he still hated, hunted...
His ability as a cunning swordsman had allowed him to slay many, though he did not have the ability in the fey that allowed others to cast fireballs, or summon such magics; often the lack that leads to his immediate, painful death, once enough 'heros' realize this, and try to capitolize on this.
DK's Analysis: Ancient evils are always fun to have around, so long as they remember who's in charge around here. I think Lysander will do well in EVIL

Long ago there was a whisper, a whisper of a nameless fear, a fear above all other fears even those few who knew its name chose not to speak it, for if they did bad things would happen to them, they would fall off cliffs, carelessly stab themselves, and much more. Then one fateful day this fear had a curse put on it, a curse which made it stay in one form. That form was called Kouga-Ookami, but over the years he has relearned how to shape-shift, although it takes much longer and takes much more effort than before. He will never die, for if someone tries to stab hi the blade will go right through him, along with any other weapons.
DK's Analysis: I don't imagine he's entirely unkillable, but unless he betrays me, that should never come up. Another ancient evil, which I'm fond of...
Reno Sebastius

Reno is not evil, but he's not good, either. Reno is a true neutral being. He once served as lead strategist for an now unknown king, but left the court due to his belief in the King's stupidity. Since then, he has wandered hither and thither, trying to find a good place to use his abilities to their full potential. Finding nothing in his current world, he enlisted the aid of a demensional spell caster, who transported him to the Mother Realm, or Earth. After searching, and continued searching, he finally met up with the EVIL Guild. His curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to enlist. If nothing more than to just see where this group would take him.
DK's Analysis: Sounds like a good soldier to me. If it's a competant king he's looking for, than he need look no further. As supreme overlord of EVIL (and soon enough, the entire world), I more than fit the bill.

(No bio yet)
DK's Analysis: What can I say about my older brother...? He's evil to the core, to be sure, and also can't spell worth a damn. His luck is absolutely uncanny. If you shoot at him, not only will you inevitabley miss, no matter how good your aim, the bullet will aslo most likely ricochet back at you and result in a lethal wound. Be very careful around this guy. He is the living embodiment of entropy...
Other Members
(Who have not yet recieved member I.D.'s.)
• Stupid Guy: Big Dumb Muscley Guy
• blackghost: Master Ninja
• DarkLordNaroku: Righ-Hand Man
• Tenmai: Sultry Temptress
• Kamet: Cute Girl by Day, Assassin by Night
• Keruri: Sneaky Kitsune Assassin
• Kujirada: Weird Psycho in a Bloody Straight Jacket
• Johndw: Generic Ninja
• Nekono Denki: Evil Monster-Summoning Sorceress
• Inimoulleb: Crazy Guy With A Lot of Exotic Pets