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The Brink House

#10 Snark Street

Value: 241395
Square Feet: 10053
Number of Floors: 2
Number of Bathrooms: 2
Number of Bedrooms: 3
Size: 100
Furnishings:             94
Yard: 100
Upkeep: 100
Layout: 0

Outside of house, from the back.

Top floor of the house - the boys' area - from the back still.

Bottom floor and outside, from the back.

Damian's room.

Ian's room.

Half of Ronda & Dennis' room.

The other half of Ronda & Dennis' room.

The upstairs bathroom.

The upstairs office.

The crystal ball.

A duck.

Some of the den.

The other side of the den.

The television viewing area.

The science area.

The front door and stereo.

The seating area.

A hunk of the dining room.

The other side of the dining room. That's a pantry.

A big hunk of the kitchen.

The rest of the kitchen.

The patio.

The sunflowers.

The flower garden.

The front walk.

The Harleys.

The downstairs bathroom.

Oh yeah, and the parrot.