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The Fleming House

#5 Snark Street

Value: 201474
Square Feet: 7056
Number of Floors: 2
Number of Bathrooms: 2
Number of Bedrooms: 1
Size: 100
Furnishings:                          93
Yard: 100
Upkeep: 97
Layout: 25

Exterior of house, showing front door and upstairs patio.

Interior: Upstairs.  Showing bedroom, private bath, game room, and upstairs patio play area.

Interior, downstairs.  Showing Livingroom, den, formal dining room, kitchen, and foyer.  Includes downstairs patio and basketball court in the back.

Theryn & Jim's bedroom.

Their "love" bed.

The master bath. Okay, the "David" statue and the disco ball are in the bedroom, but I can only do so much with these pictures.

Part of the upstairs. Featuring bookcase, crystal ball, and, of course, moose.

More of the upstairs....featuring big huge red blob statue, tiger rug, and science station.

Here we see Theryn at her "job" today....playing games on the computer.

The music part of the upstairs. Classy piano. Rob Liberace?

Most of that upper deck. Pool table, magic hot tub, casino machine, pinball machine, telescope, and the fountain of champagne.

The upstairs layout from afar there.

The downstairs den. Flying duck statue, stairs, chessboard, fireplace, and bookshelf.

The television area of the living room.

Some of the formal dining room.

The rest of the dining room. Bar, handy robot maid, and a movie prop over the bar.

Half of the kitchen.

The other half of the kitchen, including the statue that separates the dining room from the kitchen.

Kitchen & dining room layout from afar.

The downstairs bathroom.

The patio dining area.

The basketball court.

The "gnome" workshop, and Theryn's pet pig, Riley.

Close in on that angel statue in the front yard.

Living room from far away.

A corner in Theryn's house.

Another corner of the house.

Yet another corner.