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The McDonald House

#1 Snark Street

Value: 411432
Square Feet: 17253
Number of Floors: 2
Number of Bathrooms:                   6
Number of Bedrooms: 3
Size: 100
Furnishings:                           88
Yard: 100
Upkeep: 95
Layout: 67

House with roof, looking at the front.

House, without roof, top floor overview.

House bottom floor.

Part of top floor bedroom one.

The rest of top floor bedroom one.

Most of the pink bathroom, top floor, one of them.

Most of the brown bathroom, top floor, second one.

Top floor, uh, science room? That's my guess.

Top floor game room, most of it.

Top floor, kitchen.

Top floor, second bedroom...I'll go with "cheap decor" here.

Top floor, third bubbles?

Top floor, top of the stairwell.

Top of the stairwell room.

The top two bathrooms from afar.

Bottom floor, game room apparently.

Bottom floor, fourth bathroom, yellow.

Bottom floor, study.

Bottom floor, third bedroom.

Um, dinky little pink bathroom, the fifth, hiding behind the jukebox.

Living room, some of it anyhow, bottom floor.

Pool area lounge.

Downstairs kitchen.

Some kind of television viewing area in the kitchen.

Um, hidden little bathroom, the sixth.

Most of the dining room.


Outside back yard.

One each big pool to go with big house.

Front walk area.

I just HAD to put a picture of Tawny & her sisters in here.