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Taylor McDonald

Gender: Male
Kid/Adult: Adult
Astrological Sign:      Gemini
Career Path: Unemployed
Current Job: Unemployed
Job Performance: 0
Current Salary: 0

Neat: 4
Outgoing: 6
Active: 7
Playful: 3
Nice: 5

Taylor is a software developer and president of his own game company, GameCom. He too works out of the home but is required to make several business trips each year to ensure the continued success of his company. GameCom is best known for Audrey Morgan, a series of computer games about a female paranormal investigator, The Legend of Willow Creek, recently released in stores, has become an international best seller and, according to rumor, has developed a cult following around the world. There's a name in the gaming industry that is causing a lot of talk and that name is GameCom.