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The Ronan House

#8 Snark Street

Value: 162548
Square Feet: 10044
Number of Floors: 1
Number of Bathrooms: 2
Number of Bedrooms: 3
Size: 100
Furnishings:                     95
Yard: 76
Upkeep: 88
Layout: 41

Exterior of house, from the back.

Bottom floor of house, from the back.

The music area.

The office area.

The science area.

The Christmas tree, stereo, and robot maid part of the living room.

The television viewing area of the living room.

Patrick's room.

Matthew's room.

Part of Deo & Donin's room, including a gambler.

The bedroom from the other side.

The master bathroom.

Part of the green room.

The green room from the other side. Includes snazzy "Han Solo In Carbonite" bookcase.

Some of the kitchen.

More of the kitchen.

The rest of the kitchen, and a peek at the pseudo Harley and pup.

Some of the blue room. Please notice the iMac, and what game its playing.

The blue room from the other side. Includes snazzy "Star Trek" bookcase.

The boys' bathroom. Includes "Fountain of Slime" and jungle motif.