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Snark Park House

Value: 45034
Square Feet: 432
Number of Floors: 1
Number of Bathrooms:            6
Number of Bedrooms: 0
Size: 36
Furnishings:                       55
Yard: 100
Upkeep: 100
Layout: 0

Snark Park.

The play area of Snark Park, complete with bark dust. Really, that's bark dust. Trust me on this one. It's not a carpet pretending to be bark dust.  It's just bark dust.

The restroom of Snark park.

The interior of the bathroom. There's a blue "men's" side, and a violent pink "women's" side, each with a shower. None of the shower rooms have doors, either.  Hey, ask Tawny, she made the thing.

The basketball court, barbeque pit, duck, and residents. John Doe and Bag Lady Homeless.

The whole duck pond scene at Snark Park.

How Snark Park looks from a news helicopter doing a report on the Homeless.